Cisco Ramon

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You had a crush on your close friend, Cisco for a while now.

Of course, he didn't notice.

All of the signs you gave him, the moments you had together... he didn't notice.

One day, you, Wells, Caitlin, and Cisco were helping Barry become faster. "I'm not getting faster.." Barry said, stopping on the treadmill. "It takes time Barry." Lisa Snart said, walking into the lab. We all turned in surprise.

"What the hell are you doing here?" you said. 

"Chill, y/n. I'm here for Cisco. He's taking me out for a date." she said.

You froze. You felt your stomach and your throat tighten up. Tears started to form in your eyes. A-a date... You thought to yourself. Caitlin, Barry, and Wells looked at you just standing there. Everyone was quiet until Cisco turned around, smiling... until he saw you. "Hey, what's wr-" Cisco was about to say. "I'm going to... go check and see if there's a breach in the pipelines... Have fun on your date, Cisco." you said, turning and quickly walking to one of the empty pipelines and sat there, crying.

I was too late. Too scared. Too scared to tell him. Too scared he might reject me. You thought in your head. You hit the wall behind you and slid down to the floor, pulling your knees close to your chest. Then, you heard Barry calling your name. "y/n?" he said, looking at you. 

You just kept on crying, ignoring Barry. You heard his footsteps come closer to you. He put his hand on your shoulder. "Don't tell him I'm crying because of him. I don't want him to feel bad." I said, sniffling. "All I wanted was for him to be happy. All I want is for him to be happy. If she is who makes him the most happy, then I'm not gonna be the one who ruins it." you said, getting up and walking back up to the lab and clearing your face. 

You walked back up, not saying a word. "Are you oka-" Cisco tried to say. "I'm fine." I said, going to a computer. An alert sounded from the computer. "Barry." I said. "M-maybe I should stay and help..." Cisco said. "No." you said. Everyone stared at you. "Well, go Barry. What are you waiting for?" I said. He sped out, leaving you, Caitlin, and Wells in the lab. You watched Lisa Snart and Cisco walk out to go on their date.

*time skip*

It has been a few days and you have not talked to Cisco, unless it was important. "Y/n." Cisco said. You ignored. "Y/n." He said, more serious. You sighed, "What, Cisco?". "How come you haven't been talking to me for the past week?!" Cisco said, moving closer to you. You felt tears begin to form in your eyes. You held your breath and closed your eyes so that tears wouldn't fall. "I'm sorry. I'm fine." You said, letting out air. "No, you're not." Caitlin said. "Tell him." Wells and Barry said. You put your elbows on the counter and put your hands on your head. God you whispered to yourself. Tears filled your eyes.

"What is it?" Cisco said, walking closer.

You raised your head and looked at Cisco, revealing your tears, the pain that showed on your face. "Cisco... I-" You were about to say. "What?" he said. Caitlin, Barry, and Wells went up to you and put their hands on your shoulder. "Do it." They all said.

"Cisco, I love you. All I wanted was for you to be happy... even if it hurts me." you said, quickly trying to leave. Barry sped up to you and brought you back to Cisco. Tears were flowing down your face like waterfalls. 

"Y/n..." Cisco said, tears forming in his eyes. "You ignoring me doesn't make me any happier. Being ignored by the one you love the most, hurts.." Cisco said. You stopped crying and looked at him. "W-what?" you said, in shock. Barry Caitlin, and Wells smiled and left the room.

Cisco moved closer to you and put both of his hands on your cheeks and pulled you closer to his face and kissed you. You closed your eyes and kissed back as another tear fell down your face. You both pulled away, only for air. He looked into your eyes and said, "I love you."

A/N -   The Wells in this imagine is from Earth Two. Just thought you should know. Check out my Brandon Rogers story. I do not own any of the characters in this imagine. I do not own The Flash.

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