*He/You Ask You/him Out*

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Barry Allen -

You started to come to work again. It was awkward between you and Barry still. Very awkward, but a good kind of awkward. Whenever you looked at him or he looks at you and you make eye contact, you both smile and blush. You and him started talking again. It felt good to know that he felt the same way towards you. 

One day, you were working with Barry on a mission. "Barry, what are you doing there?" you asked. Barry was at a restaurant. "Barry, you can't stop by to get food..." you told him through his mic. "Y/n, do you like Italian?" Barry asked. "Um, yeah..." you replied awkwardly.

"Barry, focus on the mission." you said. Cisco and Caitlin were looking at each other and smiling behind you. Barry sighed. You felt a gust of wind behind you. "Barry?! What are you doing?!" you say to him. "I'm here too complete my mission.." he said and started walking towards you. "Will you go out with me?" Barry said, giving you a flower that was on fire. "Oof, crap!" he said, stomping on the flower.

"*sigh*... Mission failed." Barry said. He turned around with his head down. You turned him back around and kissed him on the cheek. "Mission accomplished." you said and walked off, leaving Barry smiling and blushing.

Cisco Ramon -

After Cisco confessed to you, he had become more fixated on you. Sometimes you heard him talking about you with Barry and he was always looking at you. Sometimes when you caught him staring at you, he would blush and quickly look away. 

One day, you were just walking through the lab like any other day. However, there was an envelope, that had your name on it, on the desk. You walked over to it and picked it up. You opened the letter to reveal a rose petal and a letter. 

"Will you go out with me?" 


At the bottom of the note, you wrote 


- y/n <3

You walked out of the lab with a smile on your face. Cisco soon walked in after you left and opened the letter to see if you had written on it. He opened it and a huge smile was plastered on his face for the whole day.

Eddie Thawne -

"Y/n, y/n! Wait up!" you heard Eddie yell as he ran towards you. You turned around and smiled. "Hurry up!" you yelled. He had finally caught up to you, but was breathing heavily. You chuckled and patted his back. "I'll buy you a drink." you said. He had finally caught his breath and stood straight. "Its a date." he said with a smile. You smiled back as he threw his arm around your shoulders. "Its a date." you replied.

Harrison Wells-

You, Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco were hanging out in the lab talking and laughing with each other. It was your free time with everyone since Barry had no missions at the moment. The talking and laughter died down as you heard rolling from behind you. You turned around and saw Harrison at the door. Everyone looked at each other and walked out of the room, leaving you and Wells alone together. "Hey." you said with a smile. "Hello, Miss. Y/l/n" Harrison said as he started to come closer to you. "Are you doing any activites tomorrow night?" Wells asked you. You were shocked by his question. "Oh, um no. I don't usually do anything since I alone most of the time, well except when I'm with you guys.." you said awkwardly. "Well then, would you like to join me for dinner?" he asked with a smirk. "Oh, yes. Yes! Of course." you said with a smile. "Great. I'll meet you here tomorrow after work." he said. You nodded your head and walked out of the lab with a smile.

Ronnie Raymond-

"y/n, y/n, y/n." Ronnie kept repeating. You tried to ignore him, but he started to poke at your shoulder. You were getting annoyed, so you turned to look at him. "What, Ronald." you said with a smirk. He scoffed and leaned back in his chair. But, he soon started to smirk and stare at you. You looked at him with a worried look. "W-what?" you asked him. "You doing anything later?" he asked, spinning around in his chair. "No." you replied, leaning in your chair. He stopped spinning and looked at you. "Wanna go on a date?" he asked. You smirked and sat on his lap to tease him. You pulled on his collar and whispered in his ear. "Sure, Ronald." You leaped off his lap and started to run away from him. He shot up from his chair and started to chase you around the lab.

Leonard Snart-

You were training with Kendra, trying to teach her a few new moves and how to control herself. You hit her on her lower back. "Keep your guard up, Kendra." you said. She grunted and threw herself at you. "Don't get frustrated. That's how you get yourself killed." you said. "Break." you said and put away the metal staffs you guys were using.  You tossed her a water bottle and laid back on a few crates, staring at the ceiling. Sweat rolled down your head to your neck. You opened your water bottle and started to drink it. While drinking it, someone bumped the water bottle, making the water spill on your clothes. You looked up and saw Snart with a smirk on his. "Hello" he said. "Hi." you said. You splashed the rest of the water onto Snart, making him gasp. "Whats up?" you asked with a smirk. He chuckled and sat next to you. "I wanted to ask you something." he said and looked at you. "what?" you asked, looking into his eyes. "We should go on a date sometime." he said as he nudged your shoulder. "I'd love to." you said and planted a kiss on his cheek. You got up and left the room, leaving Snart smirking and blushing like he has never blushed before.

(A/N - Sorry! I haven't posted in like more than a week or two. I've been writing my Draco Malfoy xreader. We're almost at 1,000 reads! Thanks guys! <3)

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