Harrison Wells

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"Alright, I'm ready." Barry said, getting on the treadmill.

"Alright, good to go." Caitlin said.

You and Wells decided to go inside with Barry too. You were walking behind Wells and tripped over his foot. Before you could fall face first on the ground, Wells put both of his arms out and caught you, bringing you closer.

"Are you okay?" Wells asked.

"Y-yeah." you said while getting up and brushing yourself off.

You had caught feelings for Wells when you guys first met. You were sitting on a bench at the park, reading Harrison Wells' autobiography book. While you were reading, you heard a voice from behind the book. You looked up and locked eyes with a man with stormy blue eyes.

"Nice book." Harrison said.

"Oh, hi! I can't believe I'm talking to THE Harrison Wells." you said while closing your- his book and smiling.

"Nice to meet you..." 

"Y/n. My name is y/n." you said.

"Well, nice to meet you, y/n." Wells said.

"Y/n, Y/n?" Wells said, waving you out of your flashback.

"O-oh, sorry. I'm ready." you said.

Wells pulled out a chair for him to sit on. You decided to just stand and watch Barry run. 

"You ready Barry?" Caitlin said from outside.

"Yep!" Barry yelled back.

Barry started to jog, then he started to run, then he started to use his speed. Yellow lighting was sparking off of Barry as he ran. Barry was running for a while now, but then something happened.


Barry stopped running and the treadmill blew, sending you and Barry backwards. Barry fell on some empty boxes and Styrofoam. However, you were sent flying backwards, only to lead to you sitting on top of Harrison Wells' lap.

"Oh, I'm sorry-" you said, trying to get up.

But, Wells grabbed your waist and pulled you down, making you two stare into each other's eyes. 

"No, it's fine." Wells said, leaning closer to you.

You two kissed for a while, pulling away for air. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck as he caressed your waist.

"Okay you two. I'm ready to go again." Barry said, standing up.

"Okay." You said as you tried to get up again.

"You can stay here and watch Barry still." Wells said as he fixed his glasses and smiled.

You smiled back and sat back down and watched Barry run.

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