Ronnie Raymond

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You and your boyfriend, Ronnie, were at the beach along with Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Barry, Roy Harper, and Thea Queen. Even though Felicity, Thea, and Roy lived in Starling City, you all were good friends. You all met when Barry took you and Ronnie to Starling City.

"Hey guys!" Felicity yelled from across the beach.

"Hey!" you said, running towards Felicity, giving her a hug.

You all greeted each other and headed back to your spot.

"So, how's everything in Starling?" Ronnie asked his cousin, Oliver.

"Everything's good. How about you and y/n?" Oliver said.

"We're doing pretty good actually. How about you and Felicity?" Ronnie said.

"Someone say my name? I heard my name. Are you guys talking about me?" Felicity said.

Ronnie and Oliver laughed. Oliver went to Felicity, wrapped his arm around her and kissed the side of her head.

"I'd like to say that we're doing pretty well." Oliver said smiling.

"Anyone want to help me make a big sand castle?!" Barry yelled.

"I do!! Wanna help Ronnie?" you asked.

Ronnie smiled and said, "Sure."

You, Ronnie, Thea, and Roy went over to Barry and started helping him. After a few hours, you guys decided to 'upgrade' and build a river.

"I'll get the water!" you said.

You ran over towards the ocean with a bucket and filled it with water. When you finished, you turned to go back to everyone, but only turned to be splashed with cold water. Ronnie laughed as you got scared. You laughed along, but then poured the bucket of water over Ronnie's head. You were shivering and Ronnie noticed. He carried you back onto the sand a wrapped a towel around you and hugged you tightly.

You looked up at Ronnie and said, "I love you."

Ronnie kissed you and he said, "I love you too, y/n."

(A/N- tbh, i didn't know what the hell to write, but i enjoyed it. i hope you did too.)

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