*You Find Out His Feelings*

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Barry Allen -

You were in CC Jitters drinking a coffee and trying to finish some work for a case that Joe assigned you. You had just accidentally told Barry how you felt about him. You became distant, but you two still talked. However, it was small talk. Very small. When you guys talked, it was either about work or he needed help with his Flash missions. He was always trying to talk about what had happened that night at Joe's house, but you always found a way out of it. You were examining a picture when you felt a familiar presence in the coffee shop as you heard the door open. You turned to look at the person. It was Barry. You closed your eyes and slouched your head down and sighed. 

"Hey." Barry said.

"Hey" You replied looking back up. He sat down across from you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to talk about-"

"Nope, no. It happened, it already happened." you interrupted him and shook your head.

"But please-"

"No, Barry."

"But I love you!" Barry blurted out.

Cisco Ramon -

It had been weeks since you have had a full on conversation with Cisco that wasn't awkward or about work. You were sitting on a rolling chair at StarLabs looking up at ceiling while listening to music. You felt a pair of eyes looking at you, so you brought you head down to see Cisco. You took of your earbuds.

"Hey" you said putting your phone away and sighing.

"Hey" he replied awkwardly.

"What's up"

"I just wanted to talk to you..." he said walking in a circle.

"About?" You raised an eyebrow.


"What do you mean by, 'us'?" you asked, slowly getting up.

"Me and you"

"Yea, I know, but what do you mean by-"

"I have feelings for you"

Eddie Thawne -

"Y/n, Eddie." Joe said.

"Yes?" You and Eddie said in sync.

It has been about a week since Eddie found out you had feelings for him. You didn't want anything to come between the friendship that you two had already had because of the feelings that you only had for him. You decided to try and ignore him.

"You two, need to talk. I'm sick and tired of watching both of you wanting, but not talking to each other.  Eddie, tell her." Joe said.

You turned to Eddie. "Tell me what?"

Eddie ignored and stared at Joe. Joe raised his eyebrows, silently saying 'Well, do it'

Eddie sighed. "Have feelings for you, y/n."

Ronnie Raymond -

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n." Ronnie kept saying.

"What." You spat at him.

"Please talk to me" 

"Why" you whined.


"It doesn't matter. What's done is done. I said I had feelings for you and, obviously you don't feel the-"

You were cut off by Ronnie smashing his lips into yours. You were shocked at first, but soon melted into the kiss.

"You were saying?" Ronnie smirked.

Harrison Wells -

You stopped coming to work for a while after Wells found out your feelings towards him. While not at work, you were at home, Iris usually coming over to keep you company.

Your doorbell rang. 'Must be Iris' you thought to yourself.

"Hold on!" you yelled.

You quickly ran upstairs to your room and changed into a plain green sweater and light blue jeans. You put your hair in a ponytail and slid on your white vans. You ran back downstairs to open the door.

"Hey, Iris. Sorry I had to-" you were saying, but you realized that it wasn't Iris. It was Wells and he was hold flowers and a box of Ferraro Rocher chocolates. You didn't want to close the door on him, so you stood and leaned on the door frame, playing with the hem of your sweatshirt.

"W-what are you doing here?" you nervously asked.

"Well, Ms. y/l/n, I'm here to confess my feelings, as did you." he said with a smirk.

Your face lit up and you opened your door wider, allowing him to roll in.

Leonard Snart -

You were on the time ship, poking the ground with a stick that can create and destroy flowers. You had Cisco make it in case you were bored. At this point, you weren't really bored. You were sad and depressed. You knew Snart didn't love you back. He loved Sara Lance. The 'Miss Perfect Sexy Badass'. You fought better than her. But she was much prettier than you. That's what you always told yourself. 

You kept poking the ground, then you heard someone knock on your door. You didn't answer, instead you just got up and opened it yourself. Once you opened it, you closed it again because it was Leonard.

"Wait!" he said after you closed the door.

"What could you possibly want" you asked through the door.

"Can we just talk?"

"We're talking right now"

"I mean without the door" 

You sighed and opened the door again, letting Snart walk in. However, once he walked in, he smashed his lips against yours. His lips were cold, but soft. You soon melted into the kiss and kissed back.

"I know you think I like Sara, but I love you." he said and went in for another kiss.

(A/N- sorryy haven't updated in a while. Made a new story. Draco Malfoy xreader. You should read it)

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