Chapter 8: Search Party

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"What do you mean they're gone?!" Commander Wiktor thundered, his face red with rage.

"Y-yes, Commander. All of them, including the human girl. They took everything." Vince, a Votanis guard said trembling.

Wiktor's eyes narrowed. "Those thieves! Useless haigis! The General must not hear about this." He muttered to himself, his mind racing with the consequences.

He turned to the Votans, his voice dripping with disdain. "How could you all be so careless? They're just girls! How hard can it be to control a bunch of girls?"

The guards shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. One of them spoke up, "Sir, it's the human girl. She's responsible for all of this."

The others nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's her!"

Wiktor's face turned purple with anger. "By Shanje, shut up! Goddammit, you animals! Listen to yourselves! Shame on you!"

He took a deep breath, composing himself. "We've lost leverage against the Union. Now they owe us nothing. The moment they find out about the escape, they'll come for our heads. We have to keep this quiet or we'll all be dead."

He barked orders, his voice firm. "I need six search parties, each in every city. Blend in, find them, bring them back! We leave by sundown."

As the guards dispersed, Wiktor noticed Dorian's absence. He whispered to Gus, "Find my son."


"Dorian, your father requires your presence..." Gus began, but his words trailed off as he observed Dorian's hurried preparations. "What are you doing?" He asked. 

Dorian, focused on packing a small bag with weapons, money, and essentials, didn't look up. "It's obvious what I'm doing, Gus."

Gus's eyes widened in concern. "You're leaving? Why the sudden departure?"

Dorian's voice was laced with frustration. "Petra's escape was poorly planned. She didn't inform me, and now I must find her before the General does. We're both in danger."

Gus attempted to reason with him. "Dorian, your life is here. Your father's position, your responsibilities... Consider the consequences of your actions."

Dorian's expression turned resolute. "My father, as a commander of the ETC, can handle himself. I must prioritize Petra's safety."

Gus pleaded, "At least stay awhile, see how the situation unfolds."

Dorian's gaze locked onto Gus's, his voice firm. "Gus, listen. If the General discovers Petra's escape, he'll assume I aided her. He'll kill me and then hunt her down. I must find her first and ensure her safety."

Gus sighed, defeated. "How can I assist?"

Dorian's expression softened. "Stay here, Gus, and cover my absence. I must find Petra."


Commander Wiktor briefed General Kron, "We're still unclear about the details of the escape, but we know they stole a quarter of our weapons. We need more supplies. I have six search parties ready to deploy, awaiting your order, Sir? General?."

General Kron remained silent. Wiktor pressed on, "Sir, please respond. Things are spiraling out of control. I need your directive."

General Kron's voice was low and menacing, "The human girl... she led the escape."

Wiktor confirmed, "Yes, Sir, she did."

General Kron's gaze narrowed, "Your son."

Wiktor defended, "No, my son had nothing to do with this, I assure you."

General Kron's tone turned glacial, "He disobeyed my order."

Wiktor urged, "But, Sir, that's not our primary concern right now. The Union will attack us soon. We must find the girls before it's too late!"

General Kron's face twisted in rage, "Forget the girls! Find the human girl and bring her to me. I'll kill her myself."

Wiktor protested, "But, General, what about the other girls—"

General Kron's fury boiled over, "FIND THE HUMAN GIRL!!! My life is at stake! If it weren't for your son's cowardice, we wouldn't be in this situation. Find the human girl and bring her to me NOW, or I'll annihilate your entire Liro in an instant!"

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