Chapter 16: Seeds

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What do you get when you cross a votan with a human? Seeds. My seed was the biggest threat.

Everyone knows the Harvest camp is the most feared place on Earth. Two go in, one comes out (if she's strong enough). And thanks to Aida, I was in a van, on my way to harvest camp. Poor Petra, poor Petra's baby.

The ride to harvest camp was a long one because the place is far from everywhere. No one wants that kind of thing in their backyard.

"I'm tired. Are we there yet?"
"Jesus Lily! You sound like you can't wait to get your baby harvested" said Celia. "No I really need to pee. Besides, we have a saviour" Lily replied. The other girls sighed quietly. They were all thinking the same thing. They knew about my history at rebel camp and how I escaped with all those girls.

I'm sorry but I was in no mood for saving anyone today.
"I ain't no saviour" I said quietly.

"I've been married to a human for six years. We managed to hide the first two. But we got caught, and.." Beth sniffed, "the Union guards murdered them in cold-blood. I was there, I watched my babies scream my name and there was nothing I or my husband could do about it! When we found out I was pregnant again, we packed up and decided to run to my husband's home town, Ruby. We thought we'll be safe there but, we got caught again. So this is me, on my way to harvest camp, about to loose a third child" Beth wept "My husband is probably drunk off his ass".

"My Fiancée is a Vashti. His alien sister hates our relationship. She hates me because I'm human. She's the reason why I'm here. She sensed my pregnancy and snitched on me" Celia narrated.

"My mother is in love with my human boyfriend. She always had a thing for younger men. She introduced me to him so we could be friends but we fell in love. When she found out about my pregnancy, she called the Union guards on me" Selma added "that's my story"

"Please. I'm only 18!" Dinah cried out "Help us Petra please!"

"I've been a slave for 14 years. I spent my entire life in rebel camp, slaving for votans from one master to another. I fell in love with one of them and I got pregnant. I escaped. Now everyone wants me dead. None of your stories beats mine".

"Mine does" Lin said quietly "I was raped by three votans...I..I" she struggled to say the words but her tears won't let her "I loved him...we were in love..that's what I thought..He said he was taking me to see his family, I took that as a proposal and happily agreed...I didn't know..." she choked "I swear I didn't know..." everyone was quiet. They knew the remaining story. "It wasn't his family. It was his gang...they raped me. I'm pregnant and I don't even know who the father is!" She sniffed "I didn't get caught. I gave myself up. I don't want the baby..I don't want any of least you had a choice".

"Wow" someone said, "That's horrible! Those bastards!".

"Well I'm sure Petra will re-consider after hearing this" another added.

"No" Petra scoffed, "I ain't no saviour. maybe this is for the best" I said firmly.

"I can't believe you Petra! What happened to you? The stories we heard about you. Were they lies?" Christy said angrily "Yeah.." "I know".. "I'm disappointed".."She's not what we expected..." the others murmured.

"Shtako! You knew this was going to happen! why did you get knocked-up in the first place? Fucking save yourselves and leave me the hell alone!".


"I only wanted to pee..."

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