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A vampire is an undead supernatural being that lives off the life essence of others (generally, their blood). Vampires have the ability to transform themselves into a bat and have no reflection. By drinking the blood of their victim, vampires are able to gain familiars, humans that are controlled by them. Vampires do not age, and can in theory, live forever. But of course, not if they are killed by someone. It is said that vampires cannot stand anything that is holy, crucifixes, chruches, and even priests. Many believe that vampires can be killed by sunlight, while others say that the sun only dampens their powers, makes them weaker. If that be true, then the best time to strike would be during the day.

How do you kill a vampire?

Of course, the old legend states that vampires cannot stand garlic, but this may be false. If the vampire is asleep, you could drive a stake through its heart. If you cannot do that, then decapitation would be an option. Or, as Van Helsing once said "We could...cut off her head, stuff her mouth with garlic and tear off her ears".

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