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Hey guys! It's the author. Just wanted to give you a couple heads up before you continue reading:

1) THIS IS NOT A TRUE STORY. This is all fiction. This story is an idea I came up with years ago and decided to write for you guys now: What if someone did date their high school teacher... and got away with it.

2) Hold your horses... please! I'm currently starting up my own business, which means updating is very hard due to putting a lot of my time into growing my clientel. along with all this, im planning on editing a story I wrote on this app/site a little oer a decade ago. So please, if I don't update right away, I'm probably slammed with work. I will update as soon as time is available

3)Enjoy! I write to make you guys happy. If you want to see something in a story of mine, let me know. Message me. Or you can IM me in one of the following:
• Insta: @cat_guardian_2016                                                                                                                                        • Facebook: Chey April                                                                                                                                                        • Snapchat: @chey88542                                                                                                                                  •TikTok: cat_guard_2016

So get to it! Go find out What Selena (aka. Sel) means by "Our Deadly Little Secret."

- Chey

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