Nobody's Perfect... Right?

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A few weeks have gone by. Maac seems to be getting better with the idea of me being with Ryan. But a part of me still feels there's something more to his reasoning of why hopping into a relationship with a guy I barely know besides "I barely know him."

In all seriousness, though, choosing this path that I'm now on was honestly the best thing I could have done. He goes way out of his way every day to make me happy. Even when it seems like all hope is lost, he listens. Things you would want any boy to act.

Yet they all say that nobody is perfect. Which is somewhat true with Ryan. He usually tends to forget that I cannot eat chocolate.

I know what you're saying. How can one be allergic to one of the greatest food out there? It's simple: I ain't a normal person.

So, of course, my new and very thoughtful boyfriend decides to give me a small pastry puff with filling during lunch on a Tuesday only to find me a minute later complaining about my throat feeling scratchy. That's when he knew he messed up.

Within a 10 minute period, we had the fire, police, and an ambulance walking me out of the school in a stretcher to take me to the nearest hospital since my throat closed so much from the chocolate that I was turning purple and blue from lack of oxygen. And there's poor Ryan, trying to explain not only the chief of police what has happened but also the school nurse, the Vice Principal, AND the Principal of the school.

Somehow, along the ride, I blacked out for about 40 minutes only to find myself in intensive care at the hospital with my parents, Kassidy, Elisa & Maria, Ryan, Will & Danny, and Maac giving a side glare to Ryan (which still proves my point about how he has another unspoken reason for not liking me and Ryan together).

"It's nice to see you awake, Selena," said the doctor as he walked in and came into the group of people surrounding the bed. "I'm Dr. Marco. How are you feeling?"

I tried to speak but my voice was still shot from the whole thing. Plus my throat was still somewhat swollen shut. But slowly opening. So I did what I knew best.

I lifted my hands and started shaping then into shapes. With movements. And some head smacking and hand waiving:  American Sign Language.

My throat is still closed, it feels, but I can tell it's open a lot more than it was earlier when I was passing out.

"I see.." he replied. "And I heard this was caused by a reaction to chocolate..?"

My eyes grew wide... CHOCOLATE?!?

I started to freak out in the bed. I should have known this usually happens when I eat chocolate. I wanted to strangle Ryan. But a part of me also wanted to cry.

"Selena... you cannot blame your boyfriend for what happened. He didn't know the thing he gave you to eat had chocolate inside."

But Dr... he knew I had to be careful with what I eat. He knew if I ate anything with chocolate, I could die since I happen to be the lucky one with an allergy that can kill me.

"Look at it this way... you got a loving guy who cares about you. And a friends that ditched school to make sure you're fine. And on top of all that, you have a normal bill of health.."

Very funny, doctor.

"We will have to keep you over night for a observation to make sure it goes away and you can breathe and eat with no problems. And then we also have a note that your boyfriend can deliver for you that will allow you to take the rest of the week off to recover fully. But for now, relax. Ok..?"


He smiled at us before walking off to another room. Everyone looked at me like The doctor and I was crazy.

"I guess those sign language classes came to good use after all.." my mother commented after a minute of awkward silence.

"Wait.. that was what?" Ryan asked.

I studied a language when I was little called sign language. It literally allows me to talk without using my voice in certain situations like this. I had to learn it when I had a major episode like this back when I was five. And I almost died then.

"Huh?" Ryan replied. My father whispered in hours eat what I had said. "Oh... so besides fluent Spanish, you also know another language."

I nodded my head.

"So... how hard is it to learn? Cause I'd learn it for you?" He whispered in my ear before I blushed and gave him a big hug.

It wasn't long before everyone had to go. I honestly didn't want Ryan or Maac to leave. I wanted Ryan to keep me company. But Maac? I just knew I wanted him to stay. I could not give an answer as to why. I just knew I did.

But it wasn't a choice I got to make. They all gave me hugs, my parents gave me a kiss each on the cheeks (which I pretended to gag at), and my boyfriend kissed me on the lips and nose. Maac, on the other hand, walked by.

I knew it shouldn't have hurt me, but inside, it did. And for the first time, after months of crying for Noah, I cried again. But this time, it wasn't for Ryan. It was for Maac.


I slept the rest of the day before waking up to find it was dark out. I sat up in bed to feel my throat fully open. Just as I was about to try to get up to use the bathroom since I didn't really have anything hooked onto me, machine wise, I heard a knock at the door. I froze as the door opened.

Right then, from behind the door, Maac peeked his head in to see if I was up. I smiled brighter than I had ever smiled in my life, jumping out of the bed to give him a hug. He closed the door as he picked me up off the floor, spinning us around in circles. I couldn't help but giggle into his grasp.

He placed me down onto the floor, letting me free from his hold, but I still held on. He wasn't leaving that quickly this time.

"I see someone missed me..?" He replied as he decided to then wrap his arms back around me, trying to suppress a laugh himself.

"Did not..!" I blushed as I ripped myself away from him. I walked back to my bed before remembering that the reason why I was up to begin with was because I needed to use the bathroom.

I then turned back around, excused myself, and walked into the convenient bathroom that was in my room before locking myself in there.

A couple minutes later, I came back out all refreshed. I walked over and sat on my bed, across from where Maac was sitting in his chair.

"So what brings you around these parts of town?" I joked as he picked up a little bag of the floor that I hadn't noticed he was carrying beside him.

"I brought you something that I hope you will like. It's not much but..." he stuttered.

"I bet I will like it no matter what it is."

Looking at the small bag, covered in cats all over the blue background, I gently reached in past the off white tissue paper to find a tiny get well card. And further past that, a small plush that looked just like my cat Papi, and some white chocolate with some fresh berries mixed in with it.

I smiled so brightly, almost jumping onto Maac, shouting 'Thank you!' over and over again. Maac tried holding back a chuckle, but it proved fruitless.

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