My Hero?

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The rest of the week went by. It didn't fly by nor did it crawl. It just started and ended. Nothing too crazy. No calls, texts, or visits from Noah, which was a major surprise based on his recent track record . Also, there was no crying from me about anything. No last minute bull from my friends. so, I guess this is what normal people call perfect... right?

But then again, this feeling of perfect felt very weird to me. It was something I was not use to at all. Granted, I did just spend the almost the last four months fighting emotions and mental thoughts that were built up inside my mind. Being so comfortable with conflict made the relaxation feel so out of place and honestly? out of my character.

But I knew it would be something I would have to work on. And it was something I knew the new me would have to adjust and get use to if I liked it or not.

But then again, this is me...

The weekend came and went just the same as it always had. I spent most of my time out of school with Maac, working on homework and handing it in to him after school hours. at least I was when I wasn't dividing my free time with hanging with friends, drama club, and being the President of scenery club.

But this new week?? it was... somewhat interesting. And let me tell you why with 5 simple words: we got a new classmate.

Now, lemme explain further.

I walked into school, like I always do and headed strait for my friends, with Kassidy tagging behind me. As soon as I walked into the building, people were buzzing about the latest and greatest gossip, which to be honest, I thought it was about me still.

At first I thought Well damn... who the hell spilled that I went and sat down with Noah last week about him and I? But that thought was squashed when Elisa ran towards me with a devious smile on my face.

"What's going on? Like what am I missing out on?" I asked as she pulled me into her like she had just accomplished something deemed impossible.

"Maria and I just met the transfer kid... and he is PERFECT for you! So... we took the liberty of talking to him for you about you. ANd we know you will like him..."



"First,  When did we have a kid transfer into our school? Second, Why!? You know I'm not looking for anyone to date at all. And third, it's too early in the morning for people to be this jolly... like shit! It's not even 10 in the morning!"

"Come on!" Maria taunted me. "He's a TOTAL hunk!"

"I heard that he's gonna be in all the excelled classes, including Mr. Maac's homeroom," Will added.

"Ooooo...  you guys have a pic of him?" Kass asked as Elisa pulled out her phone to show her.

"No. No. NO!" I gritted through my teeth. Everyone froze and stared at me with blank looks like I had offended them.

"Why not? I'm not gay at all, but I would totally smash if I was a girl..." Danny skated with a very gay-like accent that made us all laugh.

The bell rung for homeroom, telling us that it was time for us to head our separate ways until class started. And, of course, as soon as I walked into the class, everyone was swarmed in a small huddle around something... or I should actually say someone.

The bell rang again, signifying the beginning of homeroom. I went to place my stuff in it's normal spot on the desk that I use as a foot rest as I sit atop the heater vent. But I froze as I looked over to see this random kid in my spot.

"I'm sorry," I commented, "I don't wanna come across as rude, but that's technically my desk that I've been sitting at since Freshman year..."

"So you would like me to move?" He replied.

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