Goodbye Noah

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I ran down the hall, trying not to get busted by the guidance counselor for not being in class. I had spent the last passing time in the bathroom, getting into a heated argument on the phone with my boyfriend Noah... excuse me. I meant to say ex-boyfriend. Why? Cause I caught him red-handed with some bitch in his bed. And may I add they were enjoying fucking each other?

I never once, while calling Noah a prick, heard the bell for class going off. And because of his ass, not only am I heart broken but also five minutes late for my Algebra II class.

As I finally reached the door leading into the classroom, I thought of all different excuses I could use. I had to see the principle... I needed to catch up with another teacher like Miss Salvas. Or, my personal favourite, my parents called me down from the office because they had to give me something. I straightened out my shirt and khaki skirt before opening the door.

"Look who it is!" Budda, whose actual name is John, pointed out as I tried to slip into my seat quietly.

"Where the hell were you, Sel?" Maria, one of my best friends, asked as she was trying to fix her french braid she had put into her curly black hair. Her tan skin was shiny from whatever lotion she had put on before I came into class.

Her brown eyes looked at me with worry as she saw my puffy light brown ones. She frowned before slipping her hand into her pencil case, pulling out a piece of white chocolate for me. She placed it on my desk and I quickly popped it in my mouth before our teacher could yell at us for having food in class.

"I'll send you the texts. Which led to a ten minute shouting match in the bathroom," I replied as I quickly yanked out my iPhone, I unlocked my phone before clicking on my messenger app. That's when I heard my name.

"Why were you late?" The deep voice asked. I looked towards the front of the class to see a tall man, with the most perfect skin, the brightest hazel eyes, brown hair that went just above the top of his ear, and smooth lips. He was built probably from working out, and he looked like he was close to us in age. He wore a blue button down shirt with a silver tie and khakis business pants.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Maac. My parents had called me down and requested to see me. I didn't plan for it to take so long."

"And do you have a note from the secretary about this?"

"No... I didn't think I needed one. She asked if I did. And I said no."

"It's the end of the school year. Finals are next week. You're gonna be a junior next year. And you didn't think you needed one?"

"Yah... cause it's you. You don't normally care. Plus, if I was with either Mr. D or the principle, then they would have forced me to have a note. So, I guess my excuse is valid?"

Mr. Maac just looked at me before turning around to continue his lesson. Which was basically a review. I sent the screenshots of the conversation I had with Noah to Maria before she sent them over to Elisa, our other best friend. Elisa messaged me after probably reading the pictures Maria sent, saying she was sorry about Noah.

The short version of how Noah Parker and I came to be all began last year. He and I met through lunch. We had the same period for lunch every day. One day, I had no one to sit with. It was the third day of school, so I was still new. He sat down next to me, saying he wasn't gonna let me sit alone. And we became friends.

Or so I thought. Cause by the third month of knowing him, I was in love with him. But he chose someone else. Granted, I was a freshman. And he was a senior. Until the last week of his senior year. He found his love for me growing too fast for him the deny it. He left his ex and asked me to be his girl.

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