A Little Mishap...

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I found myself alone in the couch. Across the room, I saw a light coming from my phone. It was my alarm to get me up for school.

Throwing off the blankets that I had no clue how they got there, I snuck over to my phone to find it sitting on a charger. I turned off the alarm before sneaking back to the couch with phone in hand. But when I got there, I saw from the corner of my eye a white piece of paper, folded up, with my name on it.

As I opened the note, I saw that it was in Maac's handwriting:


Your mother has already called you out of school today, so there is no need to get ready. She called to inform me of her decision. I went to the local convenience store to grab some essentials. Should be back for a couple minutes before having to go back out to head to school. This means I'm leaving you in charge of the cats. Make sure they behave.


I folded the piece of paper back up and tucked it in my pocket for safe keeping before carefully tucking myself back into my makeshift bed. I stared up at the ceiling as I felt myself shift back into a dream state.

But that all ended when I heard the front door open and close. Then footsteps heading upstairs I quietly swiped my phone from the coffee table where I had placed it before going back to sleep and checked the time.

9:30 in the morning? Who's here? Can't be Maac. He's at work... or should I say school. He shouldn't be back till way later. It has to be the cats, but it's better to check to be sure I thought to myself as I slowly slinked out of the bed, gripping onto my phone in fear.

I tiptoed to the stairs, quietly climbed up them, and slithered around the corner towards the end of the long hallway. I crept by the main bathroom, and two bedrooms that showed no signs of someone living in them. I also passed by another bedroom that's door was cracked open. Curiosity got the best of me that I snuck inside, closing the door behind me before turning around.

Inside the room was filled with boxes. There was enough space in the room, with how the boxes were placed around the room, that you can get to any box desired without having to dig and move a boat load of boxes.

My curiosity would have gotten the better of me if I hadn't heard noises from above my head walking from one side of the ceiling to the other.

Who would be upstairs. I know I live in the attic with my cousin but... that's because I love living in attics, unlike Kass.. but that's besides the point right now.

I quietly snuck out of the room, closing the door behind me before heading towards the end of the hall and turning to face the attic door.

Just my luck, the door was wide open. I slinked up the stairs almost to the top before peeking over the last step to see if anyone was there. But I saw no one.

What I did see, however, was what looked like the master bedroom. On one side of the room was the biggest bed I had ever seen, all neatly made. To the left was a white board mounted onto the wall, and next to that, a desk with a laptop, a few pens, and a stack of papers.

On the other side say a bunch of cat toys in front of a long bureau. On both sides sat a scratching post with a small bed on top for each cat to sleep in.

Right across from me was a laundry basket filled with clothes. Maac's clothes. Piled high like they hadn't been done in a couple weeks. I rolled my eyes and stood there for a minute before deciding that, as not only a favour but as a way to keep me entertained, I would take the basket and do his laundry. I knew, from what my father had thought me about doing laundry, that a majority of his button down shirts an go into the wash as long as it says on it's tags. Everything else is simple. Throw on warm to cold wash cycle, hang to dry what can't go in the dryer.

I turned around with basket in hand to see a big figure, only covered from the waist down in a towel, walking into the same room as me. whomever that person was, they were for sure oblivious of my presence, but it was quiet enough in the closet where one false move and my cover would be blown.

I dodged into the left side of the side of the closet where all of Maac's clean shirts hung and hunkered down as the footsteps from the mysterious person came closer, as if they had entered into the closet as well. And that was when I realised that no matter where I hid, if said person saw or heard me and came looking, I would be screwed. Cause he would find me no matter what this person or I do.

Thinking of a way to get out of this mess, I quietly slapped my head over and over again. Why did I think this was the way to go? And as if I wasn't gonna be in much trouble to begin with, I hear the last thing I thought would blow my cover go off.

I scrambled over to the corner of the hiding spot while trying to grab my phone that was blasting on full volume. But it was too late.

A huge thud came following a manly girl scream.

I was doomed.

I looked at my phone to see it was a text message. A DAMN TEXT MESSAGE!

Before I could read it, the hangers were pulled aside as two eyes stared directly at me. First in shock, then in anger. I mean... I wouldn't blame them for looking the way they did. Cause if I was the owner of those eyes, I would be pissed after being spooked in the way in which they were.

I covered my eyes as I was pulled by my arms out of my hiding spot and onto a chair that sat outside the closet.

"What in God's name were you doing?!" the voice asked. I recognized that voice: it was Maac.

At this point, I didn't want to respond. Or look at him. But he, as I'm guessing based on his tone, was looking sternly at me, waiting for me to reply. But I had no response. I mean... what am I suppose to say?

"You know how bad this situation is?" He then asked me.

Still no response.

"Uncover your eyes, Selena..."

"Why? You're naked... why would I do that?"


I peeped at him through my fingers. Then slowly removed my hands from my face.

"At least you had pants on...?" I tried to say to loosen the tension between us. I don't think it worked though. Cause he didn't laugh.

"Listen... this does not get to ANYONE. Cause people will think the wrong way and that's the last thing we need. Actually... that's the last thing I need. Got it?"

"Yes sir..." I replied, "But you sure I can't post it on Facebook? or Instagram?"


"Sorry... was just a joke."

I stood up, walked back into the closet, grabbed the basket, and walked out and down the stairs, out of his bedroom. From behind me, I heard him shouting.

"What are you thinking of doing with my clothes?! You know I can do my own laundry, right?"

I stopped halfway down the hall on the second floor. He left it open for any response I wanted to give.

Should I say it? I mean, it may piss him off but it would be hysterical. And then I can post about it online as an excerpt of a story. About everything that's hap... o wait. Can't tell anyone. I promised I shouldn't...

I turned around, basket still in hand, and walked to the bottom of the stairs. At the top, Maac stood there, anxiously waiting for my reply. I smiled. And then I spoke:

"It's to keep me entertained. You know..."

I winked right after, watching his face turn pale as I turned on my toes and walked off.

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