Junior Year

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The first day of classes could have warned me of its arrival.

But like any school day, it decided to fling upon me with anxiety and hatred for my mental state... with my alarm going off at 6am.

"Turn that damn thing off.." I cried as I woke up to look at the time. But my eyes didn't need to know. Cause my cousin was right in front of me in her school uniform, waiting for me.

"You're gonna be late, Sel! Hurry!"

I, in fact, did not hurry. But instead took my sweet time and had us out the door and heading off to meet everyone up at school at the usual time, which meant I got to the school parking lot right at 7:10am.

Kassidy hopped right out of the car and ran inside to meet up with everyone while I got myself together before heading in myself. This year, I was going to make it my mission to find every way to keep the news about Noah and I splitting as hush-hush as possible, since everyone in school knew that Noah and I were always meant to be... or at least we were in their eyes. The breaking news of us no longer together happened so close to the last day of classes and finals that no one really had time for gossip. My hope was that it stayed back there.

But, as my worst nightmare came true, as I walked through the door, there were whispers combing from everyone as they all looked at me. They all knew. My life was over.

I made my way up to the second floor where I found my new locker that would be mine for the next two years. I looked at the locker number and wanted to cry: I had been given Noah's old locker like I had wanted almost a year ago...

I slowly opened the door to the locker and looked inside to find it empty. In the way back, square in the centre was where I had with Noah wrote our initials together with a heart around them. I had also apparently written underneath the heart the words "I love you - Forever and Always" as my way of admitting to him exactly how I felt around the time when I was fort getting to know him. Him and I were never friends. All our close friends could tell. We had the chemistry. He just needed to come to his senses.

I had remembers when he first saw the heart around our names. He was just fresh into a relationship with his slut ex Hannah. She flipped when she saw it. She was the one who pointed it out to him. But the words underneath the heart? He saw that himself the last day of his high school career as he cleaned out his locker. I had hidden the words so well. He never knew till he took out his last couple textbooks to give back to the school...

A little over a year later, that should be a happy memory. Another thing that helped me remember that I was his and he was mine. But the romance was short lived. And now I get to suffer from it for the next two years.

I took out some of my notebooks out of my bag and placed them inside, trying to see how much of the old memory can be covered, thinking to myself that I need to find a more permanent fix to the pain. But as soon as I tried to straiten out everything, something fell from the bottom of the locker onto the floor. I bent over and picked it up, examining the content. It was a small blueish grey envelope.  And it held some small heavy object inside. On the front it had my name printed in a neat font.

I opened it up to find a small note and a key. I held the key in my hand as I read the note:


I was sad to see that you had left before I could say goodbye. You left this key at my place. I thought it was best if you got it back as soon as possible. I'll see you in class.


Ps: I'm also your homeroom teacher this year... hope you aren't too mad about that.

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