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I spent the whole day down in the basement of Maac's house, doing his laundry. Even when his laundry was still done, I still stayed down there. Cause I realised as I came down the stairs and saw his briefcase sitting on the couch in the living room, Maac wasn't gonna go into work at all today. Why? No clue. Granted, it was just a hunch I had. But I wasn't about to poke at the bear again and ask him if he was or not after the incident earlier this morning.

I will say, though, every few hours, I heard a knock at the cellar door. And a call out to see if I was okay. I wouldn't reply though. You couldn't blame me though. What would you have done if you pissed off your teacher so much like I did? Bet you wouldn't answer too.

So I just sat down there. With my new phone charger that I took from upstairs before heading down here. Which I probably should have left my phone upstairs but I would have been bored. But at the same time, maybe my phone wouldn't be blowing up with messages from Maac either. But it's a double edge sword. If I don't have it on me, my parents wouldn't be able to communicate with me which would make all this even worse. And the last thing I need are my parents to be pissed off at me.


There I was. In the basement. On the bottom step. With my phone on charge near the ironing station that was set up directly next to the dryer. Hearing my phone go off every so often. Thinking it's my parents, but to find out it's Maac asking if I'm okay and saying he's worried. While it seemed he took today off from work for god only knows what reason.

And right on cue, as if I didn't need a timer for it, a knock on the door followed by my name. Which I ignored. Like I had been since earlier this morning.

"Selena... please. Open the door. I wanna talk to you. Look... I get it. I may have gone overboard with the whole thing early this morning. But I was scared. I thought someone had broken in. And I thought that you were downstairs where you had been sleeping and I...  I'm sorry. Please come out."

I still didn't reply.

"Selena... please don't do this. I'm worried. Please. Answer. Say something."

It was still quiet on my end.

I heard a sigh as his side of the door suddenly went silent. I quietly slipped up the stairs to look under the door. No black shadow figure of Maac. No feet. Nothing. Just the light from the kitchen. I slinked back down the stairs to find a text from my mother.

The police department and the detective have called us. We have the okay to go back into the house. We will be home tonight by 7. We love you.

I replied a simple 'okay, love you too' text before looking at the clock on my phone. It read 4:17 in the afternoon. I tried to hold in tears like I had all the other times today when Maac tried to converse with me about what had happened. But this time? I failed.

I felt the tears trickling down my cheeks, staining the skin red from irritation. The best part was that wiping them away didn't help much either for under my eyes were all agitated from the excessive removal of salty drops from the corners of my eyes.

I felt by body starting to impulsively shake as I held on tightly to my phone. Hands trembling. My vocal chords jolting from pain. It was as if no matter what I did, my body would retaliate.

Except for one thing.

And my body knew. My head, heart, and soul knew better. But it craved. And caved in.

And I found myself quickly searching through my phone. My fingers tapping faster than they have ever typed. My gut pushing me to push the last button that appeared on my screen.

And it happened.

And not only a second later did my phone make a call did the other end pick up.

And just like that, hearing the other voice at the other end calmed me down. Not as much as it use to. But it did the job well. Like always had.

"Oh my! it's you! Wait... what's wrong?"

It was a familiar voice. One that always had me hooked no matter what.

"...I miss you," I replied with sadness and sorrow. The first words I had said since everything that had happened. "And... I really need you right now."

"Meet me at our old spot. I'll be waiting there for you."

"Okay... I just have to sneak away from the house..."

"Okay. That's fine."


"Oh, and Sel?"


"I love you..."

"I... love you too, Noah."


Sneaking out of a house that isn't yours when you don't really know what the person's daily quirks and routine is like is pretty damn hard. But somehow, I was able to get past Maac from my dwelling in the basement, grab my keys along the way, and slip out the front door into my car.

What shocked me even more was that when I turned on my car, it didn't alarm Maac at all to come running after me.

I flew down my street, turning onto the main road, driving all the way down past the centre of town and up a side road to the town college. From there, I took a couple turns past the University and down some more winding roads towards a dead street that no one goes down anymore, parking my car in the brush that stood almost as tall as my jeep.

I stepped out, and walked my way down the path that stood at the very end of the street to an old house that looks somewhat neatened up on the outside. But as soon as you step inside, it looks all kept up. Except it doesn't have hot water or electricity. And for its upkeep, you can thank me later.

I grabbed a black key off my chain and was about to put it into the lock on the door that I had decided to put in long ago when I had first found the place for ownership of the abandoned house, but I was greeted with a surprise. As if it was on que, the door opened.

And on the other side was Noah.

I stared at him with tears started to concentrate at the edges of my eyelids. But he didn't give me the chance to.

I felt one of his arms wrap around my waist, hand on my back, pulling me in as the other held my cheek, caressing it tenderly. His lips crashed deeply into mine as if they had missed the presence of my love. And I didn't fight it at all.

I felt my hand slowly drift upwards from his pecks where they had landed when grabbed, up around his neck, hands locked on my forearms. Preventing him from letting me escape his tight hold.

He pressed me against his body. His heat sank into me, making me feel temporarily safe. Cause I knew I would have to explain to Maac and my parents about my escape from the house. But for now, all I wanted was his love.

And, as if it was on que, I felt the tears falling down my face. Noah backed away just a little to see what was wrong before taking the sleeve of his sweater as a make shift tissue to wipe the tears away.

"Tell me everything. You know I'm always here for you."

With those few words, and me refusing to leave the spot due to being too tired from crying, he picked me up and carried me inside, closing the door behind him with his foot.

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