Party Crasher

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Okay.... just relax. It was just a compliment. From your math teacher!

"Why... thanks," I replied shyly. I looked down at the bed where Jingles had decided to lay down and continue begging for love and affection.

"What's wrong?" Maac asked after a second of being silent. I looked over at him before answering.

"Nothing. I'm just happy, I guess."


"Because I can be. Is that a sin?"

"I don't think so. Or at leas the last time I checked it wasn't. But I could be wrong."

I smiled as Maac sat down on the bed. Nia got up from her spot and sauntered over to him, crawling into his lap before getting comfortable and falling asleep on him. Literally.

Me, thinking how cute Nia was being, started laughing. I too sat on the bed, cross crossed apple sauce style, facing Maac. Just taking in the scene.

"What's so funny?" Maac asked as I tried to hide my laughter.

"The fact you're not gonna be eating for the rest of the night until Nia leaves. Why?"

"Why you say that?"

"Because anyone who tries to move her when she's sleeping on their lap usually gets a dirty look, a low growl, or a his and swat for trying to leave. So you better get comfortable."

"Says who?"

"Says everyone who has dealt with her moodiness when she has used them as a sleeping pillow. She's even done it to me."


"I'm just warning you!" I said, throwing my hands into the air as a sign of defence. I tired to warn him. If she attacks, then that's on him.

Thankfully for him, he didn't have to worry, for some commotion was happening outside. And it set off Nia into panic mode.

I hopped off the bed and ran downstairs, with Maac following behind to find Noah, Elisa, and Maria in a screaming match.

"You destroyed her! And you really think followers and a sappy card will fix that?" Maria replied all pissed off.

"We told you yesterday. No matter what you do to try and fix this, it won't work," Elisa replied.

"O my..." I whispered as I stood there, in shock.

"What's going on?" Maac asked.

"You don't want to know."

"I kinda want to. Cause if I can, i'd like to help defuse any situation before it becomes one"

"You don't know the full story about what happened. Did Sel even tell you?" Noah protested.

"She doesn't hide things from people. Like you love to do," Maria bit back.

"So she told you how she was talking to another guy while being with me..."

"You mean my boyfriend?" Elisa replied. "Yah. She was helping him out with planning a date for him and me. And you flipped on her for that. When she had all the evidence that pointed to her helping out."

"And you're going to use that as the excuse for what you did to her? With Hannah? That doesn't fly, Noah James Park."

"You don't know what she confessed to me about it though. That she had feelings for him. And that he confessed his love for her back,"

"Watch your tongue dude," a black haired boy with blue eyes and a skinny complex replied as he walked up behind Elisa. His hair shagged to the side of his face, giving him the slightest hint of a rocker look.

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