Thank God It's Summer (NOT)

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Buzzzz...... buzzzzzzz...

The sound of my phone was going off, causing me to wake up. Caller ID was saying it was Elisa, making sure that we were going to pick her and Maria up at her house before we went off to school together.

I got out of bed to see that Kass was already ready to go, but was just fixing her hair. I threw on my uniform from last night, fixed my hair, grabbed my phone, backpack, and car keys and together Kassidy and I went out.

We picked up Elisa and Maria over at Eliza's house before heading over to school. We took our exams, cleaned out our lockers for the summer, and we left that final day of school to start our fun before the next school year comes back around.

Apparently, while I was moping around in the halls, I had not paid enough attention that Will and Danny were throwing an end-of-the-year celebration to celebrate the achievement of making it through our sophomore year of high school. So, when I was asked by Maria if I was going to go, I had no clue what she was saying at all.


"Oh my God... Selena! get your head out of your ass and pay attention!"

"Sorry..." I frowned.

"I know what happened between you and Noah was really tough. Hell, it's slowly killing you. Kassidy has been keeping all if us informed, ya know. Not eating? Barely sleeping? Texting some random number that isn't saved into your contacts? Dude.. you need help."

"I'm okay, Maria. I promise."

"No you're not. That is not okay."

"Then what is? What's okay to express when your heart is broken into a million pieces on the floor that you once thought would never touch the one thing you would give to the person whom you love with all your heart and soul?"

Maria sighed as she shook her head before grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the girl's bathroom on the floor that we were on.

"Listen," she whispered as she looked into each stall to see if there was someone in the bathroom before continuing. "I get that you are hurt. I get that your heart is shattered. But sitting around and crying about all the time isn't gonna help."

"Maybe it does for me," I snapped.

Maria leaned against the sink, facing away from me as she checked to make sure her makeup was on point.

"I'm sorry if we all care about you, but you need to realize we voice our concerns cause we hate seeing you suffer. So, I need to know: are you gonna come to the party tonight or not? You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you decide not to come, you got to promise me that you will find something to do tonight to keep your mind off of everything. Please. Or I will drag you to Will's right now so you can help us set up."

"How would you do that when you already have your father giving you a ride to his place and I have a car that I can drive basically anywhere right now."

"I will have my father follow behind you..."

"Nice try. I'll pass on whatever is happening at your crush's house. I'll go home and do something..."

"Try again."

I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the bathroom. I was done with everything that I decided to go visit the last person I wanted to see. Especially since I know I failed his final.

I walked into his classroom as he was putting his framed photos into a small cardboard box that sat on his desk. I looked over to the white board and tried to wipe away a tear before walking over. I snagged a marker and popped open the cap before writing a random question on the board to solve. I was writing away when I felt a hand grab my wrist, stopping me. I had not noticed that during my time, I had turn the equation into a hot mess, with bold lines crossing out almost every number and variable out... except for one.

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