Crime Is A Scene

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I hopped out of my car and tried to walk over to my house to get a better look of what was going on, but was stopped when I heard someone shouting at me to not to go any further.

"But this is my house... where are my parents and my cousin? We live here! What is going on?"

"So you must be Selena, then?" The officer who stopped me asked from across the grass strip that separated my front yard from Maac's driveway.

"Yes... I have ID to prove or in my bag in the car. Why do you ask?"

"Your parents were calling your cell number, looking for you and your whereabouts. Can you tell me where you were within the past two to the hours? Between 3 and 5pm?" He then questioned with a stern look that made me think that whatever happened to my family or my house was my fault.

"I was at school. I get tutoring till between 3 and 3:30 from my math teacher.  Right after, I went down to the school auditorium where I stayed painting since I'm part of my school's scenery club, as you can tell by the paint that I wasn't able to get off my arms and legs from painting walls for the play the drama club at school is putting on within the next few months. I was there alone for the most part until someone came in and scared me half to death... cause I accidentally got paint all over the poor kid. I had to help wash it off his face...or at least what would come off. And that happened around 5:30, I want to say. Then I went over some paperwork for drama club since I'm also part of that club. I was just finishing up explaining things to the kid whenI then got a call from my neighbour asking where I was.  I was told to come home quickly, so I left the poor guy by himself to get here as soon as I could. Which is how I ended up here right now... and now I'm realizing that was way more into than you probably wanted... my apologies."

"That's fine. It's actually good that you were detailed. Do you know what the person's name was that you were with? And his cell number?"

"His name is Ryan Weston. He's a new kid at school... just started today, actually. Sadly to say, I don't have his number, but I can ask him and get it to you tomorrow if you like? I share a few classes with him."

"What school do you go to?"

"I go to..." I tried to say before someone cut me off to finish my sentence.

"St. Mary's High School in town. She's a junior."

I turned my head to see Maac standing behind me as he placed his hands carefully on my upper arms, rubbing up and down. Like he was trying to comfort me.

"And who are you?" The officer sternly questioned. His eyes flared soullessly into Maac's.

"I'm the Maynard's neighbour in the brick house behind me and Selena's teacher. She was with me as soon as school ended for tutoring. I'm also the person who called into you guys when I saw Selena's mother freaking out outside their house earlier."

The officer looked between me and Maac before grunting, turning around and walking off.

"I could have handled it myself," I retorted as I spun to face him.

"Where have you been?" is what I got back from him in his demanding voice. I should have been scared, and I was a little since I had never seen him this upset about anything since having to spend quality time with him.

"I was in the auditorium painting for Scenery Club like I always do at school."

"For that long?"

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