Last day of Freedom

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Tomorrow is the first day of school. And I'm not sure if I should be happy or not. My parents haven't really been home and I got Kass to finally get her permit, so pretty soon she can get her license so I don't have to drive her everywhere. My parents got their wish, since my aunt was more than willing to give Kassidy up. And since her father basically lost all custody of Kass, that basically made her an orphan. But if it wasn't for my mother and father, she would have been lost forever in the hands of the state. And that wasn't going to happen. So she became a Maynard. Grated, she was always a Maynard, but legally she was one.

As for my friendship with my math teacher, that took a turn for the interesting. Recently in our friendship, we took things a step further. How?

"I can't, Maac. What if I lose it? Or someone at school finds out what it belongs to. It could start trouble. And I don't want anything to happen," I replied as I handed the golden key to his house back to him.

"It's fine. I already talked to your parents about it. I told them that I thought it was a good idea just in case I had to go somewhere or stay at school really late. Luna and Gizmo love you and know you well enough that I can trust you with taking care of them," Daniel replied as he then handed the copy of his key back to me.

"But it's not right. Don't you find it awkward? I mean, I'm honoured that you find me as the person to trust with this responsibility... but there are people more responsible than I am for the job," I stuttered as I tried to hand the key back for what seemed like the third time.

Maac didn't budge but instead walked away, forcing me to give in and keep the key.

"If I didn't find you responsible enough for it, then do you think I would have given that copy of my house key to you?" He shouted from the kitchen where he was now located. I got up from the couch we were sitting where he gave me the key and walked into the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway when I saw him checking on the chicken that was roasting in the oven.

I just stared as he worked his magic around the stove, stirring the ingredients in the pot that was cooking away on the heat. He was focused on what was in front of him. Just like he was focused on correcting my math problems when he was tutoring me before my final. Before, I would have found it annoying. But something in me was changing. I found it pleasing to see. It was calming. And somewhat interesting, I guess, in lack of better terms.

"Mrow..." Gizmo purred at my feet, causing me to distract myself from Maac's finesse behind the stove. I laughed as I picked Gizmo up. I knew he wanted his dinner, so I brought him over to his food bowl that sat next to the front door.

As he ate, I stared in awe at how little he worried about the world around him. He didn't have someone break his heart. He didn't have his math teacher turn into basically his best friend. Or his next door neighbour. He didn't have friends that started to exclude him from the group due to all the depression he has to go through before he heals. All he worries about is getting food, being played with, and making sure he slept most of the day away. Even his sister Luna didn't have much to worry about.

And I hate to say it, but I started to get jealous on how simple a cat's life is.

"The chicken is done!" Maac said as I heard a little bit of clatter in the kitchen. I walked in to find him trying to balance plates in one hand and the chicken in the other.

I walked over, taking the plates away from him and setting up two place-sets on the island for us to eat at. By the time it was all done, the food was plated and it was time to eat.

Once again, during dinner, like normal it seems, I just played with my food mostly before finally giving up and eating part of what I was given. It caused me to get looks from Maac, but I laughed it off. I mean, there was nothing I could really do but laugh it off. Just like I do with all my other problems it seems.

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