Him Again...

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All my classes were the same:

1) Welcome to class

2) Here's the syllabus... get it signed and returned by Friday. And that's plenty of time. That's four days so there shouldn't be any excuses. If not, detention.

4) Here are the textbooks that we may either use or not use in this class, but because I like to be a horrible person, I'm gonna demand you bring the book every day and if you don't, detention.

5) Remember, no phones allowed in class. If I find your phone out, detention. And your phone will sit with the VP until the end of the school day.

6) Also, here's a list of supplies that you have to go get, but don't worry, we will only use 1/5 of what's on the list. Everything else will be a waste of money but it's not my money. And if you don't get these items and show to me you have them on Friday? Detention.

By the time lunch came around, I was ready to strangle myself. And when study Hall was upon all of us, I was just glad I was able to sneak out of class and go see one of the three teachers in this hell of a school that I actually like: Mrs. Fran, the art teacher. And thankfully I was able to take one of her classes this year instead of a language. As much so I like Spanish and I love Mrs. Salvador, I was not gonna pass up the opportunity to take an art class with Mrs. Fran.

I bolted out of Maac's homeroom and turned right, heading down the hall all the way to the very end classroom on the left. I slipped in before I got yelled at for running in the halls and sat at one of the stools in her room. She turned around and smiled at me.

"It's nice to see that you're taking initiative this year on getting the club back together since Aaron graduated last year. You must be excited to go and recruit new members today," she calmly spoke as she walked over to her desk to hand me a stack of papers for the scenery club.

"It's one of the few things I actually look forward to, here at school. Gives me something else to do besides homework."

She handed me the paper before going back to the corner in which she was at. I peeked over to see she was working on some sketches for scenery club for the winter dinner theatre play.

"Please let them know that you need the slips signed and returned back to you by Wednesday so you guys can start setting up for the fall production of Romeo and Juliet Thursday."

"So we are doing a Shakespearean play this year!" I said as I threw my fists up in the air with happiness.


It had always been a dream of mine to perform a play written by Shakespeare himself, and the fact I have been given the chance to this year made me beyond excited.

"Then I will get on it. Because I'm also gonna have to do this for Drama Club next week when we start to recruit people as well."

"So you got the part you wanted in the club?"

"Yea Ma'am. You are looking and speaking to the secretary and treasurer of the Saint Mary's Drama Club: Go Drama Nerds!"

Mrs. Fran laughed as she finished up with the sketches. She then rolled them up and placed them in a paper tube used to store blueprints before handing them to me.

"Well, Ms. Secretary and treasurer of the Drama Club, go be the amazing President and VP of our scenery club and get us some members. And look at the sketches and see if you and Maria can find these colours in the back closet of the left wing backstage. Write down what we don't have so I know what we need to buy and fundraiser for."

"Aye aye, Captain!" I saluted before heading next door to grab my Secretary and Treasurer of Scenery club.

Maria came out in a hurry, thankful to not be stuck in class any longer.

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