A Penny for Your Thoughts

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If I got a penny for every time my phone went off while I was trying to figure out how to keep Kass from telling Ryan I borrowed the dress to supposedly "go on a date with him" while at the same time preventing Ryan from trying to get more information on the "event I went to", I would be a buck richer. Because for the past two hours, while I paced in my bedroom I shared with my cousin, my phone was going off. A few of the calls were scam calls, but the rest were from either Kassidy, Ryan, or my parents.

Kassidy was going to stay over at her friend's house for another night while Ryan, apparently, had to be dragged to a birthday party for a family member he did not even know, and my parents were just trying to get me to do some extra chores around the house, but I was too much into my brain to even focus on whatever they needed me to do. For example, for the past hour, I was suppose to make a list of everything that we needed in the house, which usually takes me no more than 40 minutes,  since I like to take my time to make sure I don't miss anything. But at this rate, I haven't even started.

The anxiety was ridiculous. I should't be this worried. So what if they found out that I lied just a smidge. It's not like I'm doing something illegal. Right? Oh, hell! What am I saying? If they found out the real reason, this could get messy so quickly. and for all the wrong reasons! I mean... It's not like I'm dating my math teacher who just happens to also be my neighbour. We are professional in the classroom: I am his student and he teaches me Pre-calc. And outside of school? We are just friendly neighbours who just happened to spend the whole summer helping out at his house.

Yes..! I was just helping out! By Taking care of the cats for him and joining him while running errands and having dinner while my parents were away. No No! What am I thinking! This sounds bad! They're going to find out.

My phone went off again, as if it hadn't all day. I snuck over to my desk, where I had placed it to keep it far away from me, just to peak at the name: No Name. I knew exactly who it was, so I picked it up to answer.

"Hey... I'm really stressed right now, and I'm really not in a mood to chat right now. Can whatever you have to say wait until i am in a better headspace?" I asked.

"Okay, Selena. What's going on now?" the voice on the other end asked.

"It's nothing for you to worry about. Just a girl's thing. You know how we teen girls can be with our drama."

"I do know, but you don't really get revolved in that drama. Or at least not lately. Especially since you spent the whole summer locked away in your room."

"I was not locked in my room the whole time! The last major night of my summer break, I went to go see one of my favourite bands: OneRepublic. And when I wasn't in my room, I was forced to hang with you!"

"My heart..!" the voice on the other end joked.

"Oh, you will be fine, Maac."

"That's what you think."

"I don't think. I somewhat know. Because if you weren't going to be okay, you wouldn't be laughing at my banter."

"Fair point. But my point still stands. You were never wrapped up in any type of drama during the past two years that I have been your teacher. At least not until the end of last school year."

"Did you forget about the food fight back in 2012? My freshman year?"

"What about it?"

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