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Dear E,

I don't know why you've started treating me like a friend, I don't know why  you mess with me and make me laugh. You used to hate me, never even look at me. But lately even when I'm not around you talk to me. 

Yesterday in homeroom, when you started to walk around me, I was going to cry because I thought you were going to sit by Tasneem and start ignoring me like you used to. But then when you sat next to me!!!!!!! I wanted to scream, I think you noticed because I got an instant smile on my face. Then you looked me straight in the eyes and said "Hey best friend!" You smiled and spit on your chin again, for the umpteenth time yesterday. It was adorable but I said "Ewww no, that's gross!" with a smile on my face, so I just thought I'd tell you my point of view on that little.......... situation. Then about a minute before that you spit all over your lips and said "Want some?" with the cutest evil smile I've ever seen. :) 

I know the "want some" could have been flirting, but knowing you, and knowing me, I'm probably over reacting. I tend to do that a lot. Anyway, back to sleeping, reading and writing. I'll text you, but I'm sure you won't answer. I was wondering, did you block my number!?

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