(Vados x Female!Reader) Like butter and sugar

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Finally this first oneshot is ready!
I know the title is kinda stupid but I didn't know what else to put ;;
I worked really hard on it so I hope you'll like it!
And yes, maybe I'll make a part 2~


It was another boring Monday morning on planet Earth.

Well, at least it was boring for (Y/n). 

She was currently working with her parents in their bakery shop. It was a small shop, but the pastries her mother baked and the business abilities of her father made them survive against the competition for almost 5 years now. (Y/n) worked as a waitress there but sometimes she'd bake sweets too, mostly cookies, small cakes and chocolates that didn't really stand out against her mother's recipes. This made her a bit sad since her dream was to become a famous pastry chef but she was sure she didn't stand a chance against her mother. 

Working there was also pretty frustrating. The customers were almost always talking about business and work and most of them never gave tips, so she would work a bit more slowly on purpose when she had to serve one of those particular clients.

As (y/n) was lazily making coffee for an old man who seemed in a hurry, another customer went near the counter and called out to her. It was a tall woman with pale blue skin, a white long ponytail, a green robe and a black cuirass with white and orange decorations.

"Excuse me, miss? May I have those two cakes over there, please?" The woman said, but instead of answering (y/n) just looked at her, with her mouth hanging slightly open. 

"Miss? Is everything alright?"

"Ah... Yes! Sorry, I was just surprised, almost no one asks for those cakes," (Y/n) responded, but that wasn't the whole truth. She was also surprised because such a beautiful woman was standing in front of her.

"Are those bad? I told Lord Champa that I would get him a tasty sweet from Earth, who knows what he may do to your planet if the cakes end up being bad..." The woman stated while sighing a little bit.

"It's not like they're horrible, but..." (Y/n) stated as she served the coffee to the old man who, obviously, didn't leave a tip for her. "Uhm, I'm the one who makes them but I think my mother's pastries are better... I-i mean, they sell a lot more than mines, so..." 

"Is that so..." The woman said, her right hand sliding under her chin as she stared at (y/n) with curious eyes. The stranger's violet irises staring right into hers made the girl feel quite embarrassed, and she quickly turned away from them under the tall woman's amused chuckles. "Then, I will take one cake made by you and one made by your mother. We'll let Lord Champa decide which one is the best."

"Ah, yes!" A startled (Y/n) nodded and rapidly wrapped the two cakes into two cute pink packages. "By the way, if I can ask, who is this Lord Champa you're talking about? He isn't a famous food critic, r-right?" 

"Ah, no, no, he isn't. He is the God of Destruction of this Universe and I'm his attendant, Vados." Although the last sentence of the woman made many customers look at her in confusion, (Y/n) paid it no mind and smiled, happy to have learned the woman's name.

"Vados... My name is (Y/n)! Please let me know what you, I mean, what Lord Champa thinks about my cake!" (Y/n) said before bowing politely. After paying her purchase Vados went out of the shop giggling a bit, leaving the girl trembling with happiness and still a bit red on her face. Her heart was beating really fast and she spent the rest of the day thinking about meeting Vados again. She believed she had just met her true love.

The following day (Y/n) woke up incredibly early and after a quick breakfast, she went to the shop and started baking as many pastries as she could while taking notes on their ingredients and flavors. She was so determined on improving her bakery skills that she even asked her mother's opinion on some combinations of ingredients she came up with, despite hating seeking help from the person she was trying to surpass. Her mother was also surprised by her daughter's behavior because it had been quite a while since she had seen her so focused on something. 

Later that day Vados came again and when she arrived at the counter she asked directly for (Y/n), so the waiter who was there went to the shop's kitchen and called her. (Y/n) was so excited that she came out of the kitchen with her dirty apron still on. 

"Welcome back, Vados! Well, did you, I mean, did Lord Champa like my cake?"

"Good evening (Y/n). He tried both cakes before I explained the whole situation to him and he said that they were both really good. But when I asked him to choose his favorite one, he chose your mother's, mostly thanks to that cherry on top she put... It reminded him of something that happened a long time ago," said Vados, with a mischievous smile on her face. "Oh, but I also tried both cakes and while your mother's had many details and was the best looking one, yours was very soft and had a delicate taste. I'm sure it wasn't easy choosing the ingredients for that one." 

(Y/n) was enchanted by every word the woman spoke and knowing that not only she ate her cake, she also thought it was better than her mother's, made her heart fill with joy. 

"So you did eat it! And you liked it too! Ahh, I'm so happy!"
While (y/n) was rubbing her teary eye Vados took a few steps forward until she grabbed the girl's face with her left hand.


Her face was getting red and Vados too felt her temperature rising up a bit. She then rubbed the girl's cheek with her thumb, while smiling at her.

"Here, you had some flour on your cheek."

"Thank you..." (Y/n)'s heart was beating really fast and she was wondering if Vados could hear it too. She actually wanted her to hear it. It would have made the whole "communicating your feelings to the other person" part much simpler. But she also knew that she couldn't confess to someone she had just met, so she thought about finding a way to meet Vados again. Though, surprisingly, the answer she was looking for came directly from the other woman. 

"(Y/n), would it be ok for me to stop by from time to time and try some of your newest recipes? I believe you will become a great pastry chef one day, and I would like to help you achieve that. Who knows, maybe you'll even end up working for Lord Champa himself." Vados said with a small grin on her lips and her eyes fixed on (y/n). 

"You would that for me? Oh, thank you so much! I'll do my best to become the greatest pastry chef ever!"

- And I'll do my best to make you proud, Vados! - (Y/n) thought while trying (and failing) to sound not too enthusiastic.

"Very well (y/n). I will see you at the weekend then," the pale woman lastly said as she left the shop.

The naive and easy to read personality of the female earthling amused her a lot. But she also needed the girl to be more than a capable chef if she wanted to ask Lord Champa to let her live on their planet. It wasn't going to be an easy accomplishment but it was worth a shot.

When Vados returned on Planet Champa she started observing and studying the movements of all the chefs Lord Champa had. She knew that eventually one of them would make a mistake and when they did, she needed to convince her boss that they weren't worthy of a second chance and that she knew just the right person who could take on their position.

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