(Vados x Male!Werewolf!Saiyan!Reader) Mischief and Innocence

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They say those who seek rest find boredom instead. Perhaps that was why you were currently wandering around Planet Champa, aimlessly.

You couldn't even remember if you wanted to find a nice place to nap or if you just wanted to spend some time away from Champa. The God of Destruction was annoying, you couldn't debate that, but he had spared your life when he had found you, a lonely orphan abandoned on a remote and soon to be destroyed planet, so you liked to think of him as an older brother.

The one you couldn't (and didn't want to) think as an older sister was his mentor, Vados.

As you stopped walking and started contemplating the landscape of the planet, you began thinking about the type of bond you had developed for the angel. It wasn't a family-like type of bond, you were sure of that, but what could it be then? You closed your eyes, twitching your wolf ears every now and then, and thought really hard on the matter. Nothing came to your mind.

"Here you are, (y/n)," you heard a familiar charming voice coming from behind you. You turned your head and smiled at the angel before you.

"Hi, Vados. Were you looking for me?" you asked.  The pale angel nodded.

"Lord Champa wants you to return to the palace. He has something to show you.", she said, giggling at your now baffled expression.

"I don't want to go," you grumbled, crossing your arms. Vados caressed your head gently.

"Now, now, let's not make him wait." she chuckled.

"But I want to stay here some more!" you pouted, making her sigh.

"I'll give you 5 minutes, then we'll have to go," she said, softly furrowing her brows. 

You thanked her with a bright smile and turned back, sticking your nose up to see the sky. Your previous thoughts about the angel came back in mind -- you figured that since she was there, you could just ask her directly.

"Hey, Vados. What do you feel when you think about me?" you asked. The angel flinched, surprised by such a peculiar question.

"Why do you ask?" she responded. You looked down, twitching your ears.

"Because when I think of you... I feel all warm inside. I don't feel like this when I think about the others though. It's only when I think about you... And I do it a lot."

Her pale blue cheeks were soon engulfed by a dark shade of red. "That has to be the most naive description of love I've ever heard." she gasped. Your wolf ears stood up.

"Love? So this feeling is called love?"

Vados nodded. "Correct. Would you like me to explain to you what love is?" she asked, a sly smile on her lips.

"I'd like that, yes," you replied smiling innocently. Vados took your face in her free hand and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I'll tell you all you need to know, but let's return to Lord Champa for now, ok?" she whispered calmly to you.

You, with a hot bright red face, were left there, astounded by that action. You looked at your feet, your wolf ears folded down. Vados lent you her hand and you grabbed it, hesitating slightly. "Let's go~" were the only words that escaped from her mischievous mouth. 

Your heart ached and yet you couldn't help but follow her, hopelessly blinded by a feeling you were about to fully understand.

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