(Frieza x Reader) Captured

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I am 99% sure this is not what SarahNash6 wanted but I had no idea on how to write this and keep Frieza in character.
I promise your other request will be better but for now, have mercy on this poor bird


When the Saiyans arrived on Earth they spread terror and destruction across the world. To make it worse, our heroes later discovered that after Piccolo's death, the Earth Dragon Balls had disappeared, too. Their only hope of bringing those who had died back was gathering the Dragon Balls of another planet called Namek.

The search for a spaceship was a difficult one, but once they had found one, Bulma, Gohan, Krillin and (y/n) started their voyage to Piccolo's home planet.

(Y/n) was one of Bulma's friend and also one of the most talented young doctors in West City. She had cured Goku after his battle with Vegeta and helped many of the people hurt by the fearsome Saiyans. The girl had offered to come to Namek and assist the group, an offer that they gladly accepted.

As they landed on the planet they noticed they weren't alone: a Saiyan spaceship was floating in the sky, preparing itself to land. The group immediately started searching for the Dragon Balls and decided to temporarily split into two groups to be faster: Bulma and (y/n) stayed together while Gohan and Krillin flew ahead also to scan the territory and search for the Namekians.

After a few hours of research, Bulma and (y/n) hid inside one of the many natural caves of the planet and waited for their two friends to return there.

"Bulma do you think Gohan and Krillin are strong enough to defeat Vegeta now?" the girl asked in an attempt to break the pressure that filled the empty space in the cavern.

"I'm fairly certain they are. Goku's kid is a skilled fighter even at his young age. Plus, even if they get injured, we have you here who can take care of them in no time, right?" Bulma answered. Her friend gave her a confident nod in return.

"I'll go take a walk near this area. Can you watch my bag in the meantime? There are all sorts of capsules with medical equipment in there." the girl then asked her blue-haired friend.

"Ok but don't get too far! We still don't know if that Saiyan has brought reinforcement with him.". (Y/n) thanked her and then went out of the cave.

In her mind, she was really worried about the two fighters. She had seen how badly the Saiyans had hurt them during their fights on Earth and the thought of having them die in her arms really scared her. She was so deep in thoughts that she didn't even realize how far she had walked until suddenly, someone hit her from behind, causing her to faint on the spot. "Humans really are fragile," a man with green skin said as he picked her up.

When (y/n) opened her eyes, she found herself laying on a cold metallic floor. - What... happened? - she tried to remember but the more she thought about it, the more her head hurt. 

"I see you're finally awake," someone said in a cold voice. It came from a purple and white alien with two pointy horns on his head. "You two can go. I'll question her personally," he then added. The two aliens standing next to the girl left the room without batting an eye. 

(Y/n) gathered the few forces she had left in her body and stood up to face the horned alien. "Who are you? And why am I here? Did you do something to Bulma too?" she asked with a tone of voice way too aggressive to fit with her current conditions.

"My, my, how many questions. I am Frieza, emperor of the universe," he said as he got closer to her, "that's the only thing you need to know. Now, will you tell me why are you on Namek?".

"As if! Tell me what you did to my friends!" (y/n) shouted as she tried to reach a pocket of her pouch where a syringe with a lethal poison was located.

"You sure talk big for someone who is trembling with fear just after hearing my name," the emperor sarcastically remarked.

"I might have lost the ability to control my body but as long as I can think lucidly," the girl responded after grabbing the syringe, "I will always get the upper hand!" she shouted as she tried to inject the alien with the poisonous liquid. A futile attempt, since her hand got immediately grabbed by Frieza's tail. The grip was so tight that (y/n) thought her wrist broke.

"Did you seriously think I didn't notice you taking that thing from your back?" Frieza asked. "I find your behavior to be strangely amusing, I'll give you that. Answer my questions and I might even spare your life," he then stated, with his tail still gripped around her wrist. Their eyes met but only for a split of a second. (Y/n) felt way too ashamed to look at him and after a deep sigh, she started talking again.

"(Y/n)... That's my name." she muttered.

"That's a good start. Now, (y/n), why are you on this planet?"

"I was... studying the planet's atmosphere with a friend," the girl felt like her wicked interlocutor was interested in the Dragon Balls too so she tried to avoid talking about them completely. Once again, her attempt didn't go too well. With a movement of his tail, Frieza pulled her closer to him and grabbed her soft cheeks with his hand, lifting it up and forcing her to look at him.

"Listen well, my dear (y/n): if you know something about this planet's Dragon Balls you'll better tell me now or you might lose one or two of your precious 'friends'." the alien threatened.

"E-even if I did know something about them, I'd never tell you! My friends a-are very strong and they'll definitely defeat you!" cried (y/n). The girl's response made the tyrant laugh. 

He let her go and then ordered to one of his minions to keep her locked in a room. "I've got some business to attend so I'll play with you later (y/n). I think I'll meet some of your friends along the way, too. Do you want me to tell them you said hello?" Frieza then sarcastically asked. (Y/n) didn't respond to his taunt and with her mouth shut she followed the alien who brought her into an empty cell.

She stayed in there for a long time, sitting holding her knees. The only thing she could do in a situation like that was not losing faith in her friends and hoping for the arrival of a hero.

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