(Basil x Reader) Can confidence win over shyness?

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The Tournament of Power that Zen-Oh Sama had established was going to start in a few days. In the meantime, the warriors from Universe 9 and 7 decided to train together since they were supposedly the weakest in the tournament, and they all met on Universe 7's Earth. The brothers of the Trio De Dangers were strongly against this decision, but since Sidra, their Universe's God of Destruction, thought it was a good idea, they had no choice but to accept.

The fighters started sparring together at the Capsule Corporation but after a couple of minutes they became too aggressive and Bulma sent them away, concerned about the Corporation's safety. And so, Goku took them out from the city, in an open green lawn that he thought was unknown to all humans.

Little did he know that there was a small house not too far from there, where a girl called (y/n) lived. She was a very kind girl with a golden heart but she also had a terrible weakness: she was very shy and every time she had to meet someone new, she would become nervous. She didn't hate people, though. On the contrary, she wanted to gain more confidence in herself and make that shyness go away so that she could make friends with everyone. In order to achieve this, she learned taekwondo and trained since she was younger. She thought that maybe if she learned how to defend herself, she wouldn't feel too shy around new people anymore. But in doing so, she aggravated her position; now, every time someone she didn't know approached her, her body would move by itself and attack the hapless individual. And that's why she had moved out of the city: she needed some time to calm her mind once and for all and finally get over her shyness.

The girl left her house in the afternoon and went to train in a forest not too far from the place were Goku and the others were.

Speaking of the fighters, they were currently taking a break, and the younger brother of the Trio De Dangers decided to use this occasion to spend some time alone and explore the place; he started exploring the same forest were (y/n) was training and not long after that, he found the girl kicking the air while practicing some taekwondo moves.

Basil remained hidden behind a bush and spied the girl for a little: he was surprised to see a simple earthling throwing kicks like that with such a fiery passion in her eyes. He and his brothers thought that all earthlings were weak and dumb creatures, but maybe she was an exception. He decided to take the first step and talk to her, but as soon as he got closer to her, she threw a kick at his stomach. It was so unexpected that Basil didn't even have the time to parry the attack, even though he barely felt it.

When the girl realized what she had done, she slowly started walking backward. Basil followed her until she hit a tree trunk; he stayed in front of her, blocking her only way out and started observing her curious behavior with a smirk on his face.

(Y/n)'s eyes were trying not to meet his, but in that proximity, it was really hard avoiding them. His face was so close to hers that she thought she may faint from embarrassment.

Apparently, earthlings can also be cute
Basil thought to himself as he kept watching the girl. After a few seconds which felt like years, he took a couple of steps back, leaving some space to the girl. When (y/n) noticed he wasn't that close anymore she took a big sigh of relief.

"Never thought I'd see such a weak-looking earthling train like that," Basil said to the girl who was still recovering from the shock.

"W-who... Who are you?" She asked, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"I'm Basil, the youngest brother of the Trio De Dangers. And you are?"

"My name's (y/n). Uhm, I'm sorry for kicking you before... You scared me and my body reacted on its own." (Y/n) said as she bowed to hide her red face.

"Hmph, that was nothing. If you wanna know how to throw real kicks you should observe a skilled fighter like me." Basil replied with a smug smile.

"N-no, thank you. It's late, s-so I'm going back home!" (Y/n) answered. She felt a bit intimidated by the humanoid dog, but she was also sure that he wasn't a bad person. Still, her shyness made it hard for her to express her feelings, so she decided to simply avoid the situation and go away. Basil, on the other hand, wanted to stop her again, but lastly rejected the idea because he had to go back to the others and start training again.

Meanwhile, our (y/n) went back home
but her mind was still focused on the guy she had met in the forest. She felt bad because she ran away, while in reality she really wanted to see him train... She thought he was cute even though he scared her at first. The girl spent some time in her house thinking about what to do and lastly decided to search him again in the same place and give him some of the cookies she had made the day before as a gift.

(Y/n) walked through the whole forest to search Basil, and after a long time, she finally found him sparring with other people. This time it was her who stayed hidden and watched him training; her cheeks became red as she saw him throwing powerful kicks at his opponent, who was a weird, fat pink creature. She really admired his confidence and wanted to have some of it, too.

(Y/n) stayed hidden until a spider popped out on her face that made her scream and gain everyone's attention.
They were all staring at her in silence with a perplexed look on their faces; thankfully though, Basil managed to break that awkward atmosphere.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asked. Now everyone's eyes, especially his brothers', were focused on him.

"Uhm... I-I just wanted to give you this." The girl responded as she offered a small red sachet with the cookies inside to Basil. He took it and sniffed it, trying to guess what that was. He then opened it and tried one cookie.

"How is it?" A timid (y/n) asked.

"It's... Good. Hey guys! You should try this out!" He shouted and then threw the sachet to his elder brother. Bergamo and Lavender both made a disappointed face, seeing that Basil had accepted a gift from someone of Universe 7, but decided to let this pass. After all, Basil seemed to trust that (y/n) so maybe she wasn't that bad.

"Is this the only reason you came for?" Basil asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Actually... I changed my mind. I'd like to see you train if, uhm, if the offer is still available."

"I'll make an exception just for this one time, but if you refuse any other offer I propose, then it'll be gone forever." (Y/n)'s face illuminated with happiness as she heard those words. She then introduced herself to the others (and managed to do it without acting too shy) who also allowed her to stay there.
Basil fought even harder than before to make a good impression on (y/n), and his brothers also helped him in this by letting him finish off the opponents. He would always turn around and smile to the girl every time he knocked someone off the ring they had prepared, and she would always clap her hands in response. (Y/n) was so happy to be there that her shyness almost completely went away.

It was pretty late when the match ended but since the fighters still had a day left before the tournament, they decided to train together again tomorrow. The three brothers needed a place where to rest (even though Bergamo was totally fine with sleeping in the open field), and (y/n) thought about letting them stay at her house; it was small, but it had a room for them. She just needed the courage to do so.

"If it's okay for you, you could stay at my house tonight. After all, you did let me stay here and watch you spar together." She said after thinking about it for a while. Lavender and Bergamo both wanted to refuse the offer, but they didn't even have the time to open their mouth that Basil answered for them.

"Yes, we accept! Where was your house again?" He said as he took (y/n)'s hand and pushed her forward, away from his brothers. As Basil kept listening to (y/n)'s explanation, he turned around and with a quick gesture of his hand, he asked his brothers to stay silent and follow him just for this once.

The two sighed simultaneously and started following the couple, even though they kept a certain distance from them. They all had a lot to talk about in the morning.

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