(Vados x Female!Reader p3) Dancing in the moonlight

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(Y/n) easily obtained the job as the new pastry chef in Champa's Temple. She was still a bit shocked from the kiss she shared with Vados, but she managed to contain her emotions about it and leave a great impression on the God of Destruction, who was amazed by how tasty the food she had made was. He then followed Vados' suggestion and asked the girl if she wanted to stay with them permanently.

Since that day, (y/n) kept making sweets for the God and sharing her free time with Vados: the two of them would always go on other planets together and enjoy their dates there while the God was asleep. Sometimes they would also sleep together, and even though Vados didn't need to sleep at all, she loved laying with (y/n) on her comfy bed and watching her falling asleep in her arms. When Vados was there, the girl would always sleep with a smile on her face.

Today was going to be a busy day for (y/n) because two special guests were arriving on Planet Champa and Vados just wouldn't tell the girl who they were, no matter how many times she asked: the angel would just laugh a little and then tell (y/n) it'd be funnier if she saw it for herself. She even tried asking Lord Champa about it but he also responded in the same way. And so, the unlucky girl was left in the kitchen with the order to make as much pastries as she could.

Meanwhile, the two guests arrived and were having a conversation with Vados and Champa outside the temple, even though our protagonist wasn't aware of any of this.

"Whis, remind me why I accepted this idiot's invite here." The first guest said. He was a humanoid cat similar to Champa but much thinner.

"You were curious about Lord Champa's "newest member", Lord Beerus. And you were also really bored at that moment." This time it was a tall being similar to Vados who was talking. He was standing right next to the other guest.

"Always complaining about something, are you Beerus? Hmph, we'll see what you'll have to say later." Champa finally stated, laughing to himself. He then took the guests inside the temple's dining room and asked Vados to bring "that person" there.

The angel followed the order and went to call (y/n), who was checking all the dishes she and the other chefs had made to be sure everything was perfect.

"Ah, Vados! Do we need to bring the food out already?"

"No, but Lord Champa wants you to meet our guests." She answered, making a big smile appear on the girl's face.

"Geez, finally!" She cheerfully said. "I can't wait to meet them, let's go!" She then took the other's hand and they both went into the dining room where Champa, Beerus and Whis were, but only the angel from Universe 7 noticed that the two girls were holding hands.

"Ah (y/n)! Before you bring out the food, I wanted you to meet my brother Beerus and his attendant." Said Champa while smirking at his brother who seemed interested in the girl. He looked at her closely and then turned to speak with his brother, with a disappointed look on his face.

"A human? You asked me to come all the way here just to show me a human? Not only that, she's a human from the Earth I gifted you, correct?"

"Ah yes, Lord Champa has told me that story already but I would have never guessed you were the one who made the wish! Thank you so much, Lord... Beerus, is that correct?" (Y/n) politely said as she bowed. "My name is (y/n). It's a pleasure meeting you both! I haven't caught your name though." She then added, this time speaking to the tall angel, who was still wondering why his sister was so close with that human.

"I'm Whis and as Lord Champa has already explained, I am Lord Beerus' attendant."

"And also my little brother." Vados added, leaving (y/n) with her mouth wide open. As the angel had already foreseen, the girl's reaction truly was worth the wait: she kept whispering things like "no way!" and "we're going to have A LONG chat tonight" to the angel, who was desperately trying to keep a serious face.

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