(Liquiir x Reader) Too dense

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Dragon Ball Super is turning us ((me)) into furries.


Footsteps followed by a cool yet feminine voice could be heard echoing through the large corridors of Liquiir's palace. A girl with thick but short bull horns and glasses was talking with the God of Destruction. She was reading the God's weekly schedule from a heavy looking book.

"...And the day after that, you'll have to pay a visit to our Kaioshin. If I may, Liquiir Sama, we should anticipate this visit. It has been a while since we have last heard of Ill and I'm worried he might planning something again," she stated, waiting for a reply that never came. 

"Liquiir Sama?" the girl asked again. She stopped walking and called the God once again, this time with a more harsh voice. "Liquiir Sama!" 

The God twitched his ear a couple of times. "Yes, do that," he responded.  The girl promptly updated her book. 

"Is something bothering you, Liquiir Sama?" She then asked, looking up again. 

"Do you know why I keep you by my side, (y/n)?"

"Because I'm a high efficient, always organized and ready for everything worker." the girl proudly stated, moving her glasses up and down slightly.

Liquiir chuckled. "Partially, yes. But mostly because you're cute and teasing you has a relaxing effect on me." 

"Ah, I understand," (y/n) responded indifferently. "No, actually I don't. But I don't really care, honestly."

The God clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Have I already told you how dense you are?"

"Yes, for the 7th time today, for a total of 540 times this month."

"So dense," he commented, pouting. 

"You seem to dislike this 'aspect' of my personality quite a lot. Is there anything I can do to change it?"

Liquiir's tails wiggled in excitement as an idea began forming in his mind. "Maybe there is. Stay still and close your eyes for a moment." he said flashing a sly smile at her.

(Y/n) quickly did as she was just told, the God grinned at her obedience. Without thinking twice, he rested his lips on hers — they were surprisingly smooth. The girl didn't move an inch, just as expected, and he let her go after a while. "You can open your eyes now." 

(Y/n) blinked once or twice, without saying a word.

"Well? What did you feel?" Liquiir asked, anxiously waiting for a response, even. 

The girl remained silent. She tilted her head every now and then, probably wondering what had happened during the time her eyes were shut. "Did you put something on my lips? It was soft... A candy, maybe?" she licked her rims, hoping for them to taste like something sweet. 

That sudden, super moe action reduced Liquiir to a blushing mess. "S-stop doing that!" he shouted at the oblivious girl. 

"Huh? Did I do something wrong?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. That was the final hit Liquiir's heart could stand. 

"Ah, geez... You really won't understand until I tell you directly?" he mumbled, keeping the girl away with his tails. 

"Liquiir Sama? Are you-" 

"Go wash your face you hopeless, blockheaded, dense idiot!" the God lastly shouted before storming into his room.

(Y/n) was now alone in the spacious corridor, very confused and concerned for the God's health. She walked toward the bathroom, touching her lips every now and then and wondering if she had said something to offend her Lord.

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