(Dyspo x Reader) Catch the thief!

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Planet Daldon, Universe 11.

After the continuous attacks of the Drakiyans, the city that was once the main attraction of this planet, always full of joy and happiness, is now nothing more than a hollow ghost of its old self. But thanks to the help given by the Pride Troopers, the city is slowly coming back together, even though the numbers of people reduced to poverty is still pretty large.

This is the place Dyspo had decided to visit to make sure everything was more or less alright.

He took a stroll through the main plaza of the city, smiling sweetly at the lively atmosphere of the local market. He passed by a few stands, helping the elderly people and playing with the kids who acclaimed him as a big brother. He was ready to leave a crowded booth and go visit another when a girl bumped into him. She stumbled on her feet but somehow managed to keep her balance. Her face was covered by her bangs, but Dyspo could feel her hate glare on him nonetheless. 

"I'm sorry, miss! May I help you with that bag you're carrying?" he promptly asked, eager to help as usual. But the girl just lowered her head and ran over him, pushing away the crowd of people that blocked her way out.

"Catch her! She's a filthy thief!" A man shouted with his rough voice. He ran towards Dyspo, all furious and irritated. "That girl stole from my shop!" the man yelled. Dyspo looked back at the direction the girl ran to. She couldn't have gotten too far -- he was sure he could still track her somehow.

In the meantime, the man began dissing him for his absent mind. "What the heck are you Pride Troopers even doing here if you can't stop a single kid from doing bad things? Bah, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you people," he harshly remarked. But Dyspo was too lost in his own thoughts to care for an old man's denigrations. 

He gave him a rapid glance. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll see what I can do, you can take this as an atonement," he said before dropping a generous amount of money into his hand. He then followed with rapid steps the path used by the thief, while the man stared in disbelief at the money he had just received.


Meanwhile (y/n), the thief that managed to escape successfully from the Pride Trooper, had been forced to take a detour during her way back home. There was only one problem: the streets she had to take weren't the kind of places where a girl should have wandered alone. The girl gulped, holding tightly the bag with the stolen food.

- You can make it, (y/n). You have to. - she thought, trying to give herself more courage. It wasn't really working, though.

She began walking slowly, watching her back every now and then, and speeding up her peace whenever she heard a noise. The girl's heart stopped every time a car passed her by, but she did her best to maintain her head low and walk forward.

Halfway through the infamous district, a man called out for her.

"Hey the~re, where are you going sweetie?"

(Y/n) shivered when she heard that disgusting voice. She tried to run away but it was a futile attempt -- the man was already behind her and with a quick gesture, he easily grabbed her arm.

"Why are you running away? I asked you a question, stupid kid," he snarled. 

(Y/n) looked with horror at his face. "Leave me alone, you creep!" she yelled, hoping for someone to hear her. But in her mind, she knew nobody was going to come out.

"Is that how you talk to your elders?" the man commented, slapping the girl with his free hand. "Tsk, I wanted to be nice but I guess I'll have to kill you instead," he remarked coldly. He then ran a hand across (y/n)'s abdomen, looking avidly at her. "Let's see... What organ do you think will fetch me the most?" he disgustingly whispered in her ear.

"A-anybody... Please..." (y/n) cried, a part of her already accepting her fate. She closed her eyes hoping for one last miracle... And in an instant, she felt free from the filthy man's grip.

The girl quickly opened her eyes again, only to see her aggressor falling defeated onto the ground. She looked up and found none other than the Pride Trooper from before standing there, with his fist still in the air.

He narrowed his eyes on the man and then glanced over at the girl. "Are you alright, miss?" he asked, worried he might have come too late.

(Y/n) felt weak in her knees. She took slow steps backward before collapsing completely.

"Woah!" Dyspo exclaimed, trying to catch the girl before she could hit the ground.

He held her gently, letting her head rest on his chest. He panicked, not knowing what to do to make her regain consciousness. "Uh... M-miss? Can you hear me? Miss?" he kept babbling without obtaining any sort of response from her.  He decided that perhaps letting her rest was the best and only option he had.

A few minutes passed and while the ugly man was still passed out on the ground, (y/n) began to regain consciousness. "W-what happened..." she whispered.

Dyspo let the girl go as soon as he realized she had woke up. "A-are you ok, miss?" he asked again, a bit red on his cheeks.

(Y/n) looked around here, understanding what had happened. She looked menacingly at her handcuffed assaulter and then locked eyes with the Trooper in front of her. "Are you here to arrest me?" she growled, keeping her guard up. But Dyspo held his palms up and smiled at her.

"No, I'm not here to harm you in any way. I'm Dyspo of the Pride Troopers, and I followed you because I wanted to offer you my help.  I know there are many poor families around here but we're trying our best to aid them," he explained.

"So.. you're not mad because I stole this food?"

Dyspo chuckled. "Absolutely not. I paid for that while you were away."

"I'm (y/n)," the girl said. She focused her eyes on the Trooper, still suspicious of him. She then walked closer to him, analyzing all of his movements, to the point where their noses were going to touch.

"A-anyway," Dyspo stopped the girl from advancing any further, "I have to wait for the others and take this criminal back. Is your home still far from here?"

"A bit..." (y/n) pouted, "Hey, can I stay with you? I don't want to keep walking alone..."

"Ah, yes!" Dyspo exclaimed, more excited than he should have been. He walked a bit further away from the girl to phone the rest of his team but noticed that she was still following him. She clung onto his arm, not wanting to go away.

"I really don't want to remain alone..." she mumbled, her eyes getting wet. 

Dyspo nodded, his face starting to heat. He managed to contact Toppo just fine, but during his time there, the girl's proximity made him feel extremely dizzy and flustered.

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