(Jiren x Reader) Alike

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During a sultry summer afternoon there are only a few activities one can truly enjoy. These includes things like taking relaxing naps, catching bugs with your friends or just bathing in the sun at a beach.

In (y/n)'s town, summer afternoons were always like that. It was a quiet place, the perfect holiday destination for many elderly couples, but the children who lived there didn't seem to mind those peaceful vibes.

To sum it up, it wasn't the kind of place where you'd expect to meet a famous person, let alone see the greatest warriors in the Universe.

Yet there they stand, in their tight suit even with such an unbearable heat, among a crowd of people praising and admiring them. The one standing out the most was Jiren, but it wasn't because of his huge build. Out of all the members, he was the only stiff and serious one; a few children had tried to talk with him but they all gave up since the alien didn't seem eager to conversate.

From the stretched shadow of a building, though, someone was secretly admiring the fighter. That someone was (y/n), a mundane girl that someone even considered a bit eerie. She didn't talk because she didn't like to. She preferred spying on others, wheter they were her friends, family or even just random strangers.

So cool... the girl thought, grinning at the sight of the gray alien's serious composure. She remained silent and observed him from the shadows, confident that no one had detected her yet.

But to Jiren, she was the one standing out the most.

He could feel her staring at him even with his eyes closed and frankly, it was getting annoying. He opened his eyes, even exchanging looks with her for a brief moment, and walked away from the crowd of people.

"Jiren? Where are you- Ouch!" Toppo had tried to ask his companion, but got interrupted by some children playing with him, letting Jiren walk away unbothered. "C-children, please! Don't pull my beard!" Toppo huffed, trying to see the corner of his eye where the gray alien was going. Unable to do so, he shifted his gaze back at the children, who now all had a pout on their faces, and sighed. "Just... Don't pull too hard, alright?"

Meanwhile, (y/n) had swiftly followed Jiren, hopping from a shade to another, but it was getting pretty hard, because Jiren was intentionally going towards the open countryside, leaving (y/n) with little to no hiding spots. 

Once he had made sure there were no more places left where his pursurer could hide, Jiren stopped walking and turned back.

There were large fields stretching as far as the eye could see and only one oak tree standing before the alien. Behind it, the figure of a girl could be seen.

(Y/n) bit her thumb, agitated.
She had been found out and had nowhere to hide, and yet still hesitated from leaving her obvious hideout. Then again, she was sure that stare game could have gone on forever, so eventually she gave up her pride and stepped forward.

As expected, Jiren remained silent.

"U-uhm... sorry..." (y/n) uttered shyly, eyes fixed on the terrain. Realizing those words were far too simple, she tried to extend her monologue a bit.
"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to buzz you."

The alien didn't seem to react to her words but (y/n) didn't see that as a total misfortune. The fact that he remained still meant that he was at least listening to her words.

"Uhm... I-I really like you, you know. You're don't talk much, just like me." she kept saying, gaining bits of confidence with every statement she managed to say out loud.

"That doesn't mean you're insensible, though. You care a lot about the others, otherwise you wouldn't risk your life as a Pride Trooper all the time." this time (y/n) pronounced the phrase while looking at Jiren directly in the eyes.

And the alien gave her a small nod in response! (Y/n)'s mouth opened up slightly as a gasp of surprise came out of it.

"Caring about the others doesn't give you permission to stalk them." was  the first phrase Jiren ever spoke to the girl, leaving her amazed for a moment.

(Y/n) then let out a weak laughter and scratched her arm, a bit embarrassed. "I'll try to not do that anymore." she commented and watched Jiren walking past her. "Where are you going?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Back to the village."

The girl waited for the alien to walk a bit further. "...Can I follow you?"

"Only from up close."

"Alright!" (y/n) chirped without realizing how excited she sounded. She remained behind him for most of the way, but eventually started walking by his side.

She didn't stop to look at his expression, but if she had, she'd have seen a contented smile appear momentarily on the alien's face.

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