(Hit x OC) Perfect timing

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"...And thanks again for being here! I hope you all enjoyed the concert!" the idol on the stage cheerfully shouted while the audience was cheering for her. The enthusiastic girl had blue skin and pointy ears, typical of her race, and her brown hair was elegantly arranged in an over the shoulder ponytail. After 2 hours of singing and dancing on the stage, it was only normal for her to be fatigued and yet her happy smile didn't show any of that tiredness.

The replica of that old concert had ended, and now the television of the supermarket was displaying a silly spot about cat food.

Amazing... Forte thought to herself, her green eyes still fixed on the screen, a small smile slowly taking over her amazed expression. That was my debut concert, wasn't it? Just thinking about it makes me all anxious again!

Watching replicas of her older concerts always made her feel nostalgic; her mind would travel back to the days when her career was in bloom, and the city was carpeted with posters with her name on them. Unfortunately, that fame didn't last long, and as the girl matured into an adult her name quietly faded away from the scene. But this never bothered Forte, since she never planned to be a full-time idol, to begin with. It was a fun experience, and the girl cherished every bit of it in her heart.

"Miss, if you're done with your shopping come to the counter. I'm gonna close the shop soon." the words of the clerk brought Forte from her dizzy state back to reality. She huffed at the counter with groceries in her shopping basket and paid the goods. The girl then left the store and started walked back home after a long day of work.

The silence of the night was interrupted only by her happy hums. She hummed a tune for an imaginary audience and pretended that the weak lights emitted by the street lamps were spotlights pointed at her.

One of them was tall and robust, while the other was thinner and had an evil grin on his face. They were leaning against a black car but started moving forward as soon as they noticed the girl.

"Where are you going this late at night missie?" the thin one asked. Forte tried to ignore him and walk past them but got stopped by the other man who grabbed her arm. "My boss here asked you a question, you know." he then added in a bossy voice.

Forte yelped in surprise. She struggled in vain to free herself from the grip while the tough man tried to drag her into the car while his companion watched the scene. "Come on lady, we just wanna take you out for a walk!" the latter sneered. Thankfully, the two stopped what they were doing when they noticed someone staring at them.

"And who are you supposed to be? Her knight in a shiny armor?" the thin man asked as he burst into laughter.

"My name is Hit." the new man spoke and began walking towards the two. "Let the woman go and we can settle this peacefully."

Seeing as he kept advancing, the thin man gestured something to his partner, who pulled out a small knife from his back and put it right on the girl's throat. "Your name means nothing to me. Now back off or your lady here might lose that pretty voice of hers." the thin man threatened. Forte started shaking and fixed her wide open eyes on the man with purple skin.

Hit stopped and let out a short sigh. He didn't want to waste his time with two insignificant individuals like them, but he also couldn't leave an innocent in danger. He used his Time-Skip technique to freeze the two men, leaving only the girl able to move.

As soon as Forte felt the grip of the man becoming weaker, she sprinted away from him. She then turned around and saw that those two were now completely immobilized. "How did you-" she tried asking as she turned her head towards her savior, but got interrupted by the man himself. With a movement of his head, he told the girl to stand behind him and then proceeded to free the two from his ability.

The tall man, visibly confused as to why the girl was now hiding behind Hit's back, whispered to his boss that maybe, just maybe, the man really was the legendary assassin. After all, not even the dumbest punk on the planet would use an important name like his just to act tough.

The thin one huffed. "I'll remember this." he said before he and his partner both entered the car and drove away.

Hit just scoffed in annoyance at the black vehicle before turning to the stranger he had just helped. Surprisingly, the girl didn't flinch away when her eyes met with the assassin's.

"No one should wander alone at this hour, let alone someone with a name like yours." Hit spoke. Although his voice was impassible as ever, it was clear he meant to scold the girl.

Forte slowly raised a brow as she cocked her head to the side. "A n-name like mine? What do you mean?" she stuttered confused.

"I remember seeing a few billboards with your face on them. I assume you must be famous around these parts."

Forte made even a more surprised expression after the assassin's statement. "But those were from so many years ago! I'm surprised anyone even remembers them..." she commented as she shifted her gaze away from the man temporarily. Hit didn't bother to reply and began to walk away instead.

"Ah, wait!" the girl hastily rushed towards the man's back, tugging to a limb of his coat. Hit immediately turned back, glaring slightly more severely at her, this time succeeding in making her shy away.

Forte bowed her head, embarrassed. But if she had stayed like that, the mysterious man would have surely disappeared. "A-ah, well... Thank you so much for helping me out earlier!" she shyly began speaking and slowly raised her head again. "Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't been there to stop those two. I'll be more careful from now on." she concluded, flashing a contented smile at Hit. The brown haired girl then scratched her cheek, hesitantly advancing a little request. "Uhm, i-if it isn't too much of a bother for you, could you walk me to my apartment? It's not far from here, but I really don't want to make the trip alone..."

"...I'll keep an eye on you from afar. In exchange, you'll have to forget about this whole incident." was the only answer Hit gave before vanishing from the spot.

"E-eh?" Forte blinked quickly, scouting with her gaze the area around her in search for the man. "Ah well, it didn't seem like he was lying..." the girl pondered out loud and finally started walking again.

A few minutes she had already arrived near her apartment's door. She took the key out of her pocket and slid it into the keyhole, but before unlocking the door, she turned around to see if the man was there. Unfortunately, he wasn't but Forte felt the need to say one last "thank you" to which Hit, hidden in the shadows, unconsciously responded with a satisfied grin.

Back in Forte's flat, the girl had tossed the plastic bag with the goods from the supermarket on the floor and was now covering her red face with her hands. She bottled up the embarrassment she had felt and gone straight into her room. The girl sat down on her bed with her laptop on her legs and started searching for any information about the man.

He said his name was Hit... and I think one of those two also said that he was an assassin?

After doing some research, the few pieces of information she had found on this Hit person were very confusing. It seemed like many believed that some of the most important people on the planet died by the hands of an assassin called Hit, though others were convinced of the fact that it wasn't the work of a single man. One of the most recent cases was the murderer of an important businessman leader of a shady organization which caused quite the damage to the environment. The only report from one of the witnesses of the homicide which Forte could find stated that the one who killed their boss had to be an experienced assassin and that this person was believed to be Hit.

Forte rubbed her tired eyes and lowered the computer's screen. It was far too late to think about those things. She lay down on her small bed and fell into a deep slumber a few minutes later, still thinking about the mysterious man.

Maybe, just maybe, she could have met him in her dreams if she kept thinking about him.

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