(Awamo x Shy!Reader) Charming my heart

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To make sure the mortal level of their Universe never decreased, Iwne and Awamo had scheduled many visits to all the planets to ensure the mortals were developing correctly.

They were heading for the home planet of all Saiyans, a powerful race that helped other planets whenever criminals tried to harm them.

Their visit went smoothly and in about 30 minutes they were ready to go. But as they were getting ready to fly to the next planet, Awamo heard something that caught his attention. He asked his Lord to wait there and ventured further into the forest where they had come into. As Awamo walked closer to what he thought was the chirp of a rare bird, he noticed that it was actually someone humming softly. From behind a tree, he glimpsed at a girl pirouetting here and there as she sang the words of a gentle song.

Bit by bit, you're charming my heart 
With that dazzling smile.
Let's fly away from this endless darkness! Hold my hand

The Angel couldn't help but smile at the girl's performance, but he felt terribly guilty about spying on her like that. He peeked out from his hiding spot and took a few steps forward, hoping for the girl to hear him coming. As he had imagined, the girl gasped with surprise as soon as she heard the crackling sound of leaves being stepped on.

Her eyes widened when she recognized the figure in front of her eyes. "A-Awamo Sama!" she shouted, her voice shaking slightly, and immediately bowed to him. "I didn't know you were visiting today!"

"No need for such formalities, dear." the Angel chuckled, "Iwne Sama and I were just about to leave when I heard you crystal voice. May I ask what your name is?" he asked with a smile.

"It's (y/n), Awamo Sa- ...uhm, Awamo."
the girl replied, biting her lower lip.

"I have to congratulate you, (y/n). Your voice is soothing and the song you were singing was lovely," Awamo said, making the girl's face light up with a smile.

"You really think so? You're the first to hear me sing, I'm glad you enjoyed it." she chirped happily.

"Is that so? A singer Saiyan is a bit unusual, but I was sure you were one."

"Oh, no, no, no!" (y/n) replied, anxiously moving her palms in front of her. "I'm way too shy to sing in public."

Awamo tilted slightly his head, letting out a thoughtful hum. "Singing alone can be stressful, especially if there's a big crowd watching you. But perhaps you'll feel more at ease if you do it with someone else," he explained.

The Saiyan rested a hand on her lips, thinking about the Angel's idea. "Maybe you're right..." the girl muttered, "But I doubt someone would want to sing with me." she said, shaking her head nervously. Awamo chuckled, closing his eyes and smiling widely. He began humming a simple tune, immediately recognized by (y/n).

The girl's mouth opened as a gasp of joy escaped her lips. She was thrilled but still a bit uncertain about joining him with the vocals. She gripped a cloth of her uniform and breathed out all the tension accumulated:

When I first met you,
I remembered a place that I held dear when I was a child
Won't you dance with me?

(Y/n) sang, feeling more at ease with every word. She glanced at Awamo, who smiled at her and kept humming in perfect sync with her voice. The Saiyan giggled, a soft blush engulfing her cheeks.

On a winding road of light and shadow, even now, are you lost on him?
There were just a few times where it seemed like I wanted to turn back,
But holding on to love, courage, and pride, I'll fight on!

"Bravo, bravo (y/n)!" Awamo clapped when the girl had finished singing.
She bowed to an imaginary crowd before bursting into laughter.

"That was fun! Thanks, Awamo!"

"I didn't do anything special. You, on the other hand, sang wonderfully."

(Y/n) giggled some more, scratching the back of her head with a hand.

"I must go now, Iwne Sama must be tired of waiting. But remember this (y/n): never be afraid of doing what you like." the Angel said, giving the girl a warm smile. She replied with a nod and waved at him as he walked away.

"Awamo!" she suddenly shouted, making the Angel turn back, "Next time we'll sing some more, okay?"

"Yes. I'll look forward to that!" he shouted back, humming that same song during his walk to the God of Destruction.

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