(Whis x Reader) From the stars

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During Beerus Sama's long slumber, Whis had been caught in a fair share of troubles that all shared a common origin: (y/n).

One day, while he was taking a relaxing stroll outside from his Lord's palace, a spaceship randomly landed on the planet. Surprised and confused by the odd event, he promptly approached the foreign object, ready to send off any unwanted guest.

The pod of the ship opened slowly and some kind of mist came out of it.
The Angel gripped his staff firmly, charging an attack that would have transported the intruder in some faraway location, at best. But right when he was about to launch it, a girl jumped out from the ship.

She stood proudly with her hands on her ankles, her figure still partially hidden by the mist... But after inhaling some of that weird fog, she began coughing violently.

Whis stared with disbelief at the goofy girl in front of his eyes. He released the power accumulated, surprisingly intrigued by this new character. He put on that playful smile of his and chirped,"Hello, stranger!"

The girl took a moment to catch her breath from all the coughing. She then turned to him, her stance more relaxed and natural. "Well, hi there! Do you know where I am?" she carelessly asked. "No, wait! I'll try guessing..." she trailed off.

"I see, I see." the girl mumbled quietly, glancing around her. After a few moments, she finally blurted out her solution: "I died and this must be my personal paradise, correct?"

"N-not exactly..." Whis commented, holding his laughter. "This is Planet Beerus, where the God of Destruction of this Universe lives. I'm Whis, his attendant." he explained.

"Eh, my explanation was better." the girl huffed, folding her arms behind her head. "Anyway, I'm (y/n)."

"May I ask you how you managed to reach this place, (y/n)?"

"It's a long story..." she tried to explain but her words were interrupted by her rambling stomach. She covered it with her hand, a bit embarrassed.

"My, my, you seem quite starved." Whis commented. "You could have a meal at the palace. Beerus Sama is asleep and I don't mind having some company every now and then."

(Y/n)'s eyes glittered with enthusiasm. She nodded rapidly a few times, already anticipating the taste of the food.

The Angel replied with a smile at her excitment. "Follow me, then."


(Y/n) took a seat at the long dining table of the palace. While walking through the corridors, she thought it was incredible that someone could live so gaudily, and this consideration flashed in her mind once again when she arrived in the dining room.

Whis had made the chefs prepare some meals for her and once they arrived at the tabled, she began digging straight into them.

"So," Whis spoke, "What's the story of your journey?"

(Y/n) turned to him, gulped the food she was chewing, and dropped her fork on the table. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to explain the whole story.

"A long time ago, an old granny told me my love would come from the stars. I waited, and waited, and waited... But nothing exciting ever happened. And so I decided to build a ship and search for my soulmate myself. I've visited a fair share of planets but I never met the person I was looking for. While I was heading back home, I entered into some sort of distortion in space and the last thing I remember is me waking up when the ship landed here."

After she calmly explained her whole life story, her eyes narrowed back on the plate -- it was time for dessert now.

The Angel remained silent, processing the entire story in his mind. Did she really build a spaceship just because of the words of a wacky fortune teller? This girl sure was an interesting one. "You must have been through a lot during your journeys." he commented, smiling more naturally.

"Yeah! A lot of weird things happened during my trip. It would probably take one thousand and one nights to tell them all, if not more." she replied, laughing at her refined joke,

While hearing those words, an idea rose in Whis' mind. Perhaps he could have let her stay and listen to her story. She was indeed an unusual type, plus he needed something to do while Beerus was asleep. "Will you depart soon?"

"The ship didn't look too messed up so yes, I should be able to leave soon."

"Is that so..." his expression sulk, but perhaps not everything was lost.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow at the Angel's reaction. "Huh, this is the first time someone looks sad because I'll go away." she smirked, licking the sweet cream of the dessert from her upper lip.

Whis blushed, caught off guard from that comment. "M-me? Sad? Haha, You must have imagined it. But you could stay here for a few days if you wish to. As I said before, Beerus Sama is asleep, and I don't mind the company." 

The girl put a hand under her chin and closed her eyes to concentrate better. The place was comfy, the food was good, and the man was cute. Sure, she could have stayed for a little while. "If you say so, then I'll gladly accept the offer." she finally replied, opening her eyes once again. "But... I still have to find this destined lover of mine..."

The Angel chuckled. "I'm sure this person isn't too far from here~" 

"Well, I hope so! I'm getting tired of waiting, you know..." (y/n) huffed.

Whis offered his hand to the girl. "Would you like to see the rest of the palace, Miss (y/n)?" 

She nodded happily and gently held the other's warm hand, hopping off her chair. "Take good care of me, Whis." she said, smiling widely.

"It will be a pleasure." he replied, his heart already captured by the girl's innocent love web.

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