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The pair made quick work of the others. Amy, Wiishuu, or Signe, Ethan, and Tyler. All coming to the same fate as the ones before. All being dubbed with the names, ReverseAmy, nicknamed Reverse, Wiishoot, nicknamed Shoot or Shooter, Crank, and Apocalypse, respectively. Reverse and Dark were together, as it had been before. Shooter and Anti were also together.
"So what comes next," Anti said, sliding up to Dark on the couch.
"We do whatever we want. We finally have the control to do so. Might as well make good work with it."
"Uh-huh, good plan. So..," Anti hesitated.
"Go on," Dark pushed.
"Won't the fans be concerned?"
"You're letting your Seán show, Anti. Tone it down." Anti let out a low growl as Dark continued. "Besides. I've got that covered. It won't hurt to let them out for video production, will it? Plus, you've told everybody you had planned on moving anyway. Just say you moved to LA. Simple enough for you?"
"That's actually a decent plan for once, nice one, Dark," Crank said, stepping into the room having overheard the conversation.
"Thanks?" Dark replied, watching him enter. "Where's Reverse and the others?"
"Right here," Reverse said, following behind Crank. The others trailed behind her and sat on the floor to complete their sort of circle.
"Hey babe," Anti said as Shooter sat down in front of him.
"Hey," she replied.
"So I didn't hear much of your little "plan", Dark. How's this gonna work out?" Apocalypse sat down, leaning against the opposite wall.
"We let 'em out for videos, then push 'em back. All about simplicity. Nobody will be able to tell the difference."
"And if they don't want to?" Dark sat back and pondered. He hadn't thought about that.
"Easy. We make them," he said.
"And if they fight back?" Reverse was leaning against the wall by the entrance, one leg bent and placed against the wall, the other on the floor for support.
"Doubtful," Anti said, jumping in, "they're weaklings. Probably even weaker now that we have all the power." Reverse nodded thoughtfully.
"He's right. We've got power..but what do we do with it?" Crank was leaning his arm on his legs and was leaning to the side towards the others on the couch.
"We do what every good villain does. The best we can."

Bring Me Back {Book 2 of the Possession Series}Where stories live. Discover now