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It was Ethan. A tired Ethan. As Amy and Jack neared him, Jack noticed something about Ethan's expression. It seemed to be...angry? Angry at who, though? This question was quickly answered when Ethan sprang into the air and slammed Jack to the ground. He slid a little from the momentum as Ethan walked over to him, taking long strides. He stood above him, then leaned down, pinning both his arms with his knees.
"So this is where you hide out when you're not killing anybody, Anti," he snarled.
"Why does everybody think I'm An- ow!" Ethan punched him. Though Jack had said ow, he realized he hasn't felt any pain from the punch.
"I've been looking for you," Ethan hissed, anger burning in his eyes. Jack heard Amy quietly let out a noise. He wasn't sure what kind of noise it was.
"For the last time, I'm not-" Jack was interrupted a second time by Ethan's weight suddenly tumbling off of him. He turned his head, still on the floor, and saw Amy, hands extended. She was staring at them.
"What the..," she whispered, then shook her head and took a few steps toward Ethan, stepping over Jack in the process.
"Amy," Jack started to say, but was silenced with a glare that was softened for a moment before she turned back to Ethan.
"Listen here, buddy. That's Seán. Not Anti. Mark wouldn't take..wouldn't take a bullet for Anti, would he? No, I didn't think so. So how about you just sit here for a second and take a second to look at this man," she said firmly, motioning to Jack, who still hadn't gotten up. "This is Seán..or Jack, whatever you tend to call him. Not the psychopathic maniac demon we call Anti." Ethan scooted back a little, that they here was already a bit of distance between him and Amy.
"Mark..Mark is dead?" he said, tripping over his words. Jack could see his eyes filling with tears as his own filled once again.
"Yes," she replied, dropping her hand to her side.
"Amy..God, I'm sorry..I didn't know," Ethan murmured, sitting in a proper position and putting his head in his hands.
"No, Ethan. It's okay. Mark thought he was Anti too at first," Amy said, lowering her voice and crouching next to Ethan, rubbing his back in a comforting manner. She sniffled, wiping her own tears off her face with a sleeve on her sweater. She had a small smile on her face.
"So, Amy, a quick question," Jack said, pushing himself into a sitting position.
"Go for it," she said, taking a deep breath and taking her hand off her face.
"What exactly.. did you do back there?" Amy looked down with just her eyes, a confused look on her face.
"You know," she said, "I'm not exactly sure. I went to push him off of you, and he just kind of..flew backwards? That's the only way I  can describe it properly."
"Nice," Jack said. "Do we all have some sort of power here, or what's going on. You've got what seems like at least some form of telekinesis and I've got whatever you'd call this smoke." He lifted up his hands and produced some from them for effect. He had gotten better at controlling when it came out and when it went back in.
"Whoa," Ethan said. "That's cool!" Jack sent a little puff of smoke toward him. Ethan put up a hand to touch it as it went past.
"Kinda cold though, I found out," Jack commented.
"Yeah," Ethan replied, not entirely sure what to say.
"As far as we knew, Mark didn't have anything, though he wasn't really..around..long enough..," Amy said, her volume dropping lower and lower as she spoke. Jack awkwardly shuffled over to her and gave her a small hug of reassurance.
"Everything is okay."

Bring Me Back {Book 2 of the Possession Series}Where stories live. Discover now