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"Who are we looking for first?" Jack asked Mark as he swayed with the horse's trot. 

"Whoever shows up, I guess. I'd really like to find Signe for you, but if somebody like Bob or whatever shows up first, then we can't just abandon him," Mark replied. Jack thought he could see slight anger brimming in Mark's eyes at the mention of Signe. He reached out with a foot to poke him in the shoulder.

"You know, Mark, it wasn't Signe's fault..," he murmured, trying to relax him.

"I know, I know. I just can't help it," Mark said, running a hand through his shaggy hair.

"You should get a haircut when we get out of here," Amy commented, coming up behind them, speeding up her pace to match theirs. Ethan trailed behind her, silent but listening.

"What, you don't like the floof?" Mark said, feigning a hurt expression. Amy laughed, then tweaked his nose as he turned to look at her. 

The horse stopped abruptly. The group slowed to a stop as well.

"Whoa, boy. Keep going," Jack said, rubbing the horse's neck. It didn't move. Instead, it turned its head to stare at Jack with one deep brown eye. It snorted in defiance and stood strong, unmoving.

"What's going on?" Ethan asked, speaking for the first time since they had started walking.

"Well it seems as if Jack's horse here is a little defective," Mark stated. The horse let out an angry huff.

"He was just kidding," Jack whispered to it. He pressed on its sides with his feet. It refused to move.

"Does it smell somebody?" Amy asked, looking around to see if there was anybody there.

"I can't see anybody," Mark said, confused. 

"Hang on," Jack said. "Look closer. Do you see that?" He pointed to something off in the distance. Mark squinted. He could almost just make out a figure way off in the distance.

"Hey, Jack?"


"Do you think you could get horses for all of us?"

Jack lowered his eyes and thought for a second.

"I could maybe get out one more. You and Amy could share one and I could throw Ethan onto my horse," he said finally.

"That should work," Amy said, having overheard the question.

"Give me a moment, then," Jack said, and closed his eyes. Like before, he imagined a horse, this time similar in color and size to the one he already had. Raising a hand, he felt the smoke leaving. He opened his eyes again. Next to Amy and Mark stood another coal-black horse. This one, though, had the bright white mane that Jack had thought his would've had. 

"This'll be better for reaching whoever that is," Mark confirmed, swinging himself onto the horse before helping Amy up. Ethan walked over and got onto the back of Jack's horse. 

Jack leaned forward right as his horse began moving. Mark's horse followed. At first, it was a simple trot. Then, it increased to a gallop. Jack hadn't anticipated the speed increase. His bright green hair whipped across his face.

"Well this is fun," Jack said loudly, trying to make himself heard over the sound of the galloping hooves.

"Speedy, too," Mark called back.

They were nearing the figure. It didn't move to signal it was hearing them approach. 

"Guys, I think that's Signe!" Amy said, leaning sideways a little to get a better look. She leaned a little too far, though, and would've fallen off if Mark's hand hadn't reached out to grab her as she fell.

"Be careful," was all he said, a focused look on his face. Amy, paler than usual at the scare, nodded in agreement. The two horses raced around either side of whoever sat on the floor before making a sharp turn and sliding to a stop.

"Who are you?"

Bring Me Back {Book 2 of the Possession Series}Where stories live. Discover now