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Jack and Amy sat on the floor, rolling a ball between the two of them. Ethan had been basically out of it for a while, and in that time, Jack found he could use his smoke to create real objects. They always ended up turning back into smoke and drifting off after a while, but as he got more and more familiar with the process it took to create things, every object lasted longer than the last.
"Ethan's been gone for a while," Amy commented, gently pushing the ball towards Jack.
"I wouldn't necessarily call it gone, but yeah. Something like that," he responded.
"You know what I meant," she teased in a friendly manner.
"Yeah," Jack said, letting out a small laugh.
"Ugh..guys? What happened?" Jack and Amy turned to look at the same time to see Ethan, fully conscious and seemingly stable, let out a groan as if he was in pain.
"Hey, buddy. Welcome back," Jack said, shuffling over next to him. His pupils were now the regular black, all static gone as if it had never been there in the first place.
"How ya feeling?" Amy asked
"My head is killing me," Ethan admitted. "I'll be okay, though. So, anything new happen while I was out?"
"Not a whole lot," Amy said.
"Oh," Ethan said, seeming a little disappointed.
"I mean, I can use my smoke to create objects now," Jack said suddenly, as if just remembering. He held up the ball for proof before it disappeared in a small cloud.
"Aw, nice!" Ethan exclaimed, then winced as a sharp bolt of pain shot through his head.
"You sure you'll be okay?" Amy asked, worry creeping into her voice.
"Yeah, yeah," Ethan mumbled, waving away her worry. Suddenly, Ethan turned his head to face Jack. He narrowed his eyes. Jack pushed himself backwards a little.
"Uh, Ethan?" Jack asked, visibly nervous.
"Jack, when was the last time you slept here?" Ethan questioned, eyes still narrow and searching. Jack looked around at noting in particular using just his eyes, not wanting to meet Ethan's gaze.
"Not sure," he confessed as every ounce of exhaustion he hadn't felt before crashed down onto him like a tidal wave.
"Oh, Jack..you really should get some sleep," Amy suggested.
"Why? We haven't found everybody yet," he snapped, his tired body making him irritable. Amy placed her hand gently on his shoulder and looked at in directly.
"Jack, please. If Mark saw you like this, he'd feel terrible." Jack huffed, knowing she was right.
"Maybe for just a little while," he agreed reluctantly.
"Thank you," Amy murmured quietly.
"You're welcome," Jack said, standing up and stumbling from the exhaustion before Ethan stood up as well and guided him to a different area. It wasn't too far away from the group, but it was far enough away that any talking wouldn't disturb Jack while he slept.
"Thanks, Ethan," Jack mumbled, only half-awake at this point as he sank to the ground and almost instantaneously passed out.
"You're welcome, buddy," Ethan answered, though Jack couldn't hear him.

Bring Me Back {Book 2 of the Possession Series}Where stories live. Discover now