Chapter Sixteen

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TonDC - Healing Fires




It seems like such a small word, but it has such a large encompassing meaning. It's also currently the only word that keeps replaying in Clarke's mind as her lips bend and meld with Lexa's.

Their bodies are fused together, holding each other gently yet with purpose as their lips glide over one another in a torturously slow dance. Clarke can feel a hum in her ears, drowning out all other sounds except those of their lips as they meet and part and the breathy moans that leave Lexa.

Their kisses slow even further, almost lazily as they grin, bumping their noses together. Clarke's heart has never felt more full and she never wants this feeling to end. Wrapping her arms around the brunette's once more, she slides their cheeks together and buries her nose in wet hair and breathes in deeply.

Lexa smiles, feeling like a young woman in love, rather than a commander with the weight of the world on her shoulders for the first time in her life. She had loved Costia, it's true, but that was a young love, untainted by the duties of her position and was doomed to end even if Costia had survived. She would always think of her fondly, but knew without a doubt in her mind or her heart, that this is where she was meant to end up. In her Skai Queen's arms.

"Klark," she whispers softly as the blonde pulls back to flash her a dazzling grin, her cheeks a rosy red.

"Leksa," she whispers back, rubbing their noses together and pressing another tender and lingering kiss to the lips she craves.

"As much as I would love to stay here like this, I need to dress your wounds and we need to be heading back." She hates having to do it, but they must. She has no intention of ever losing Clarke again.

Clarke simply nods and pulls back slightly, blushing as they both stand up fully and she takes in Lexa's form that is no longer hidden by the water or their bodies. "You are breathtaking," she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to Lexa's chest, just over her heart.

Lexa feels her body shiver and bites her lip as she smiles, nearly feeling silly at how giddy she finds herself in that moment. It may be unbecoming of a commander, but here, alone with Clarke, she is just Lexa. "And you are magnificent," she replies, resting her forehead to Clarke's for a moment, then pulls back to grab for their towels.

As Clarke turns to exit the pool, Lexa's hand on her lower back stills her. "What is it?" She asks, feeling Lexa's fingers trail down her back to the side of her brands. "Are they looking infected?" They felt fine, but she needed to ask.

Lexa studies them for a moment, in awe of how quickly they are healing. If she didn't know any better, she would have assumed it had been a week if not two since the brands were made, not a few days. "They're nearly healed."

Clarke turns, accepting the towel from Lexa and steps out. She pats herself dry gently before dropping her towel and looking down to her arms and her sides, eyes wide. "Leksa," she starts, glancing up to concerned green eyes as Lexa stops in front of her and studies her body. "We've only been here an hour at most and look," she points to her side and to one area of her arm where the two deepest cuts were and sees they are now completely closed. The rest look older than they are. "How..." she starts and just waits for Lexa to help her explain this.

Lexa gently trails her fingers over Clarke's healing scars, her brows furrowed in thought. Her rational mind tells her this isn't possible, but then, since Clarke has entered her life, everything she once thought was impossible, has been anything but. She takes in every scar, looking to the blue eyes in front of her each time she passes over one with her fingers, judging her reaction. "Does this hurt?"

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