Chapter Twenty

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TonDC – Kwin





"Weron bilaik Skai Heda?" Where is the sky commander?

Lexa sighs as she hears the call of her people, demanding to know what is happening and where Clarke is. She needs to address them, but she also wants to get her horse and take off towards the Ark. She wishes she could already be on her way. The burning in her chest has only grown stronger as her anger flares within her. Her eyes are hard, but the pain is obvious to those closest to her to see it.

Who did Abby think she was? Clarke's mother, of course, but to take the girl out of their camp, out of her tent, without the blonde's agreement to such? One of the Ark guards attacked Echo, and made off with not only Clarke, but Octavia too.

According to Echo, Clarke, who was half asleep, had stated she wasn't leaving, only to be injected with something and be forcefully taken, even though she and Octavia had tried to stop them. The Ark guards had shocked them with a shock rod like the one Clarke had on her when she entered the village and then proceeded to knock Echo out with the butt of one of their guns. She grits her teeth harder, clenching her fist.

She raises her hand up, calling for silence to her warriors and some of the villagers that have gathered. "The Skaikru have taken Klark and Okteivia, by force, back to the Ark camp." She hesitates, hearing the uproar from her people. She swallows, moved by their loyalty and how they are offended on her behalf by what has happened. "They also attacked Eko during their escape, using their false leader, the Chancellor she calls herself, to distract us. I will be riding for the Ark to settle this matter."

Several of her warriors push their way to the front of the crowd, drawing their weapons and dropping to one knee, holding them out in front of themselves. They are offering her their services, without her request. She feels her heart clench. "I will not ask any of you to risk yourselves, though if you wish to come, I will not stop you and will be grateful to you for your assistance."

Several more stepped forward, also presenting their weapons on one knee. Kiern is one and he rises and steps forward, "Heda," he begins, sheathing his sword, "Klark, as well as Okteivia, are Trikru now. You have my sword at your command. I will go to war with you to get them back."

"Sha Heda." She hears a chorus sound around her. She looks to Indra, who nods her head as well, Echo doing the same. "Ai na on raun." I can fight.

"Heda, I wish to join you as well. Okteivia is my partner, through this life and the next and Klark is as my sister. I will fight with you." Lincoln swears, lowering to one knee.

"Heda," A softer voice calls and Lexa turns her head to face the woman. She isn't a warrior, but she is the wife of one. Her daughter, barely three summers, is hanging on her leg.

"Come forward," Lexa calls softly, maybe too softly, but her emotions are at war inside her. She's furious, ready to kill and the feeling in her chest only grows but she holds nothing but love and loyalty towards her people. This isn't their doing. "Makina, yes?"

Makina nods, stepping forward. "Heda, though you have made no claim, it is obvious to many you have found your true life bond with the Skai Heda." Makina pauses with worry evident on her face, waiting to see how her heda will react to her statement.

Lexa see's no point in denying it and she will not lie to her people that are willing to risk their lives. Not about this. She nods, lowering her eyes.

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