Chapter Thirty

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TonDC – Surrender to her call



The murmurs of the few people still roaming about catch the attention of those who have already turned in for the night, drawing them outside their homes. No questions need to be asked as the glowing light emanating from Lexa and Clarke's tent draws their attention within seconds.

No one dares to draw closer; they are all content to stare in awe of what they are seeing. The glowing warmth they can feel, even from their distance, and the shimmering light that is directed skyward lightening the village as if the sun is already out.

Raven exits her tent, and after a few moments of her own contemplation, she catches the sight of Octavia walking towards her with a smug grin. Raven rolls her eyes, fighting a grin. "What?"

"You know what's causing that, right?" Octavia smiles and nods her head in the direction of the commander's tent.

"I have an idea, yeah. Kind of hard not to," Raven replies with a chuckle as a groan covers the distance and reaches their ears. Raven allows her eyes to roam the camp and sees all but the posted guards avert their gaze and head back to their homes. She can't be certain, but she thinks it's out of respect for their commander and their kwin. The thought makes her smile but then grimace as a few of the Skaikru aren't as respectable. "Go to bed!" she yells over at them and is pleased when they listen and disappear. Turning back to Octavia, she raises an eyebrow. "Still think you can win this?"

Octavia smiles and looks back towards the light, feeling its warmth beyond the chill of the night. "Honestly, it doesn't really matter. We're all going to win now." She looks at Raven, speaking the words she knows she will understand, "Hodnes laik uf." Love is strength.

Raven smiles at the girl's back as she walks away and heads back to the tent she shares with Lincoln. Octavia may be right, she thinks. Maybe with this union, they might all finally win.



She sees it the moment the change takes place in Lexa's eyes. Clarke watches with hitched breath, a fast beating heart, and a tiny shocks coursing through her veins. Clarke had gotten Lexa to lower her defenses and allow her to love her body and soul. But now, now the beast is pacing behind wild eyes, filled with a burning passion and an un-sated hunger. If she couldn't feel what was passing between them, if she wasn't aware of the love they will always possess for each other, this look might make her shudder in fear. Instead, she shudders in anticipation.

Lexa is quiet, but her eyes are speaking for her. The energy Clarke feels radiating off of her sweat-slick form hits Clarke like a tidal wave, pushing her back onto the blankets. Lexa is quick to follow, lowering her full body to cover the pale one beneath her. She's breathing steadily yet deeply, her eyes locked with Clarke's. Clarke waits, relaxing her body under Lexa's while her eyes show the brunette everything she needs to see. She shows her surrender to Lexa's call. She surrenders to Lexa's will.

A soft growl begins deep in Lexa's chest and rumbles up into her throat as she claims the lips below hers roughly. Clarke is quick to accept her questing tongue, whimpering in delight. She's not surprised, however, when her seeking hands are captured and held above her head with Lexa's left hand. She knows they will remain there. Lexa's free hand trails down her body, softly caressing all the exposed skin it can reach. Strong yet soft fingers drift down her side, teasing the side of her breast, before continuing down her side to grip her hip tightly.

She may not have use of her hands, but she can still use her body to feel Lexa further. She bends her knees, raising them enough to hold Lexa's body between them and squeezing, drawing a snarl out of her lover. Lexa breaks the kiss, and Clarke smirks. The smirk doesn't last long however as Lexa's lips are quick to take up their place on a pale neck, attacking it with ferocity. Her lips are hot and wet, and Clarke can see the darkness of space again as her body feels like it's flying. The lips move down just below her collarbone and up the other side to mark the opposite side of flawless skin. Teeth join in this time, biting down. Marking her, claiming her.

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