Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Ark – 319



Clarke guides Lexa by the hand as they slowly walk down the halls of the ark. They take a few turns and cross into room that is half destroyed, but several doors line the inside wall. The other side is open, seeing out into the distance behind the ark.

Lexa looks around, taking in their surroundings. She has only been to the ark a few times, but had never been to this section. "What is this place?"

Clarke leads her further down until she stops outside a door with painted letters that read '319'. She holds Lexa's hand, smiling at the soothing caress she feels Lexa making with her thumb. "What's left of this area was a part of what we called the Skybox. It was where the juvenile defenders were held until our 18th birthday when we were given a review. If we passed, we rejoined society. If not...we were floated."

"Executed," Lexa responds, eyeing her softly.

Clarke nods and steps in front of the door with her back to it and facing Lexa. "This was where I spent my last year before the 100 of us were sent to the ground."

Lexa's eyes dart to the door behind Clarke as if she'll somehow see inside, but then directs her attention back to the blonde in front of her, "You wish to show me the room?"

"Yes," Clarke replies softly, stepping into Lexa closely and wrapping her arms around her neck and sighing as Lexa guides her own arms around Clarke's waist. "This room is where I first dreamed of you, of where I would stare out at the Earth," she sighs, "and it is the room where we can have some privacy and talk before we rest. If that is okay with you?"

Lexa smiles and hugs Clarke to her closely, rubbing her back softly. "I would be honoured for anything you wish to share with me, Klark."

Nodding her head, Clarke releases her neck but reclaims her hand as she uses the other to press the button outside the door. As it opens, she sighs and steps inside, pulling Lexa in behind her. Clarke doesn't say anything, she just simply watches Lexa take in the small room. Lexa's eyes are wide with a soft smile on her face as she absorbs the various random drawings on the walls and the floor. She allows Lexa her hand as the brunette steps closer to the wall, her hand hovering over a sketch of a flower, as if wanting to touch it, but not allowing herself. She lowers her hand back down and turns again before freezing, staring at a spot about a foot off the floor in the back corner of the room, nearly hidden by the bed.

Clarke watches her closely as she lowers herself down to her knees and sits back on her heels, staring at the two drawings that were done close together, but were obviously two separately done pieces. "Klark," she hears her name reach her ears and she approaches the sitting brunette and stands behind her.

Lexa can feel the moisture gathering in her eyes as she stares. This time she cannot stop herself from reaching out and tracing along the edges of the tree that is drawn with precision and great detail with her left hand. Her right hand also reaches out, hesitating only briefly before placing her palm flat down on the wall to the side of the drawing that matches that of her tattoo on her arm. "The Mark of the Commander," she whispers and then turns her head to meet Clarke's gaze, seeing the blonde nibbling on her bottom lip. "You drew these before you fell from the sky?"

Clarke sits down cross-legged and facing Lexa, "I did." She watches as Lexa turns back, studying every single detail of her drawings. "I dreamt of that tree many times. The first time, I was on my 13th birthday." She see's Lexa's brow furrow slightly, as if she's trying to figure something out. "What is it?"

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