Chapter Twenty-Nine

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TonDC – Let the bets begin



The nights may be getting cooler, but no one is feeling the chill as they drink, eat and celebrate around warm fires, family and friends.

Echo sits between Bellamy and Octavia, sipping on her wine as they share opinions and thoughts on the events of the evening. Everyone is in good spirits, with the Trikru and Skaikru getting along better than they ever have. It is an incredible time to be alive.

Her attention is brought back to the present when Octavia stands and the eyes around the fire focus on her. "Alright, so what are the bets?"

Echo tilts her head and furrows her brow, not understanding the question. She looks to her left to see Bellamy roll his eyes and Lincoln is giving a shake of his head, trying to hide a smile. "Bets? What bets do you speak of, Okteivia?"

Raven chooses this moment to chime in with a grin upon her face. "She's wanting to place bets on how long it will be before Lexa and Clarke grace us with their presence again." She stands and hip checks the brunette playfully. "Offer of favours owing?"

"Standard agreements considering most of us don't have anything else to really offer." Bellamy agrees, locking eyes with his sister.

"Alright, so who wants to start off?" Octavia rubs her hands together and looks towards Echo. "Eko?"

"This was your suggestion, Okteivia. You should start." Echo isn't sure how she feels about betting on how long her new sister, her kwin, and her heda will be enjoying each other. Although, the idea is intriguing, a grin pulls at her lips.

"You all squawk like children!" Indra approaches, overhearing their conversation. "You would place bets on your kwin and your heda?" Her eyes are hard, glaring around the campfire and eyeing all of them in turn. She feels smug as she sees them all, with the exception of Raven, lower their eyes feeling rightfully chastised. "And not allow me to have a say?"

All eyes dart up to her, mouths slightly ajar. Indra raises her chin in a sign of superiority. "We will see them at morning meal. Our heda will never put her duties to our people on hold."

The laughter that greets her causes her face to harden, but the laughter continues to grow more at this. "You all disagree?"

"With all due respect Indra, you have seen the way those two look at each other, yes?" Lincoln softly speaks, allowing his own eyes to glance to Octavia. "They found their way back to one another and they belong to each other. Duties or not, Heda will know matters are well in hand with you here and peace amongst our people."

A round of nods are shared and Indra thinks perhaps she is underestimating her heda. "Very well, I have spoken so what say the rest of you?"

"Just on time for midday meal," Lincoln offers off and Echo nods as well before seeing Octavia and Raven both shaking their heads at her.

"No, no ties in this. Lincoln chose midday meal so you have to pick another time," Octavia explains.

Echo sighs, and lifts her eyes to the sky thinking. "They both carry responsibilities and take them I'll say just before midday meal by an hour."

Octavia grins, accepting this and rubs her hands together. "Alright bro, Raven, looks like it's down to us," she states, looking between the two. "What'll it be?"

Bellamy shakes his head, "Clarke will kill us if she finds out we're doing this..." He hesitates only briefly before shrugging, "After midday meal. Clarke will be wondering where the food is." They all snicker.

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