Chapter Seventeen

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The Ark – Lying by omission is still lying



"Not that I think you will, but try not to get cornered by Klark's mom," Octavia whispers as they trek up the path to the gates. "Remember we're here to try for a meeting with Leksa about an alliance, not about Klark."

Lincoln nods as does Echo. "I'll stay by your side. Once we propose the meeting and get the response, we will hang around long enough for you to see your brother and buy us some time to find Klark's journal, yes?"

Octavia nods, eyeing the guards on duty as they approach with guns trained on them. She raises her hands in a show of non-violence and hears her name called as Bellamy pushes past one of the guards. "Open the gates!" she hears him call out and can't help but smile.

"Big brother," she whispers as he wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly. "How have you been?"

"Good, glad to see you." He turns to Lincoln and holds out his hand, "Lincoln," he smiles and shakes his hand firmly, glancing just behind them where he locks eyes on the third of their party.

Octavia turns to her, "Bellamy, you remember Echo don't you?" She teases as she watches him step forward as if to hug her, but stops short, shrugging a little and smiling at her.

"Hi Echo." He holds out his arm and she clasps it.

"Bellamy," she starts a small smile on her lips, "I'm glad to see you're well."

"And you," he grins and steps back and his face becomes serious as he looks at his sister. "I have to ask-"

Octavia begins shaking her head before he continues, "I don't know where she is Bell." She feels bad for saying it, but it's not a lie exactly. At this particular moment, she doesn't know where Clarke is. She could be with Lexa, in a tent, walking around camp…it's a lie, but it's a necessary lie right now for Clarke's sake. She'll keep it from him for now, but hopefully not much longer.

He nods once, accepting her answer and leading them inside the gate. "So what brings you guys by?"

"We actually came at the request of our heda," Echo tells him. "She wishes a meeting with your leaders to talk of renegotiating the terms of an alliance for peace."

He stops at that, turning to look hard at Octavia, "I knew you left to be with Lincoln, and I understand that, but Lexa betrayed Clarke…betrayed us all. She left our people to die."

"She did." She isn't going to argue with him. She can't because he's right. "You do know, however, that it's the same thing Clarke would have done in her place." She watches his jaw tense as if he wants to argue but he doesn't. Instead he nods and leads them into the Ark.

"Abby is in the med bay, Kane is around. I'll find him for you." With that he takes off and disappears down a hallway.

"Okay, Klark said the journal is hidden in the mech bay and that Raven would know where it is," Octavia whispers. "I know where that is but someone has to talk with Kane and Abby and try to keep them busy."

"I'll do that," Echo states, "Linkon should stay with you. Perhaps I can help us accomplish two things on this journey. You get the journal and I will get them to help understand our heda's choices so that when Klark is ready, her job will be easy to broker a peace between us and the Skaikru."

"I hope you are successful," Octavia sighs, "Klark's mom can be rather stubborn."

Echo grins, "At least we know where Klark gets it from."

"Octavia, Lincoln" they hear a mans voice and turn to see Kane walking down the hall with Bellamy and stops as he reaches them, turning to Echo. "And I don't believe we have met, I am Marcus Kane." He holds out his hand.

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