Chapter Twenty-Six

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TonDC – Kwin Klark kom Trikru



Raven follows Octavia down a few stairs and into a small room. There's still faint sunlight coming through the few windows but the majority of the light is due to many candles and a few torches on the walls. She looks around, taking in the room before her eyes settle on Clarke and she can't stop a gasp from leaving her lips.

Clarke turns and shrugs slightly eyeing her friend. "Well, what do you think?" She walks towards Raven and holds her arms out from her body just slightly, waiting for her friend's response.

"Clarke, you look..." she pauses, words briefly escaping her, "you look beautiful- like royalty." Raven is truly in awe at the sight in front of her.

Clarke is a beautiful woman, there's no denying that. She has a beautiful body, her hair is bright and catches the sunlight and her eyes stand out and sparkle in the clearest blue. No matter how she had seen her in the past, on the Ark, covered in blood, worn clothing or otherwise, nothing could have prepared her to see her friend looking as she did standing before her.

Clarke's hair was shiny and soft, all of it mostly down with the addition of several new braids. Two main braids started at her temples and were pulled back, much like her normal style, and locked together at the back of her head. Three more braids lay above the rest of her straight hair, but underneath the two tied together. Her face was clear and bright, her eyes coming to life and standing out with the help of her clothing.

She wore dark form fitting pants that were a deep grey, just a couple shades from being black. A lighter grey top could be seen underneath the long cape style jacket she wore, which was much the same as Lexa's. It too was dark being the same shade of her pants and buckled just over the swell of her breasts and down to her waist. The ends trail behind her as she walks over to Raven. She stops and waits as Raven takes in the rest of her appearance. She has a shoulder guard over her right shoulder, opposite of how Lexa wears hers on her left and wears a long red sash attached to it that reaches the floor.

Raven steps around her, to take in the full view and can't help but to shake her head and smile. Clarke's sash, while red like the commander's, has two long silver stripes that trail the length of it. "The commander wears one like this, only hers is solid red," Raven muses as she comes back to face her blonde comrade. "What does the silver represent?"

Clarke looks to Echo who steps forward and answers for her, "Only the commander may wear the solid red, but the commander's chosen life partner always wears one with a silver stripe. Klark's has two, as this signifies not only her place as our Heda's love, but also shows her position of Kwin. In the ranks of our people, she is second only to Heda."

Lexa chooses that moment to step into the room having been frozen at the doorway taking in the creature before her that had stolen away her breath. "But forever first in my heart." Lexa breathes out and crosses the room in three quick strides, placing her hands softly on Clarke's neck, "You are enchanting, Klark." Her whisper is soft, but not too soft as to not be heard.

Clarke swallows places her hands on Lexa's and steps into her, connecting their lips tenderly. Pulling back, Clarke releases a beautifully wide smile and steps back but takes Lexa's hand in her own as she takes in the commander. Her face is clear of war paint and her own braids are flawless and intricate. Clarke swallows feeling her mouth going dry at the site of her. Lexa looks fierce and powerful as if she can take on the world but when Clarke looks into her soft green eyes, she see's nothing but undying devotion swirling in their depths. She opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted.

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