Chapter Eighteen

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TonDC – Vindicated



The love between the twin flames cannot be described in the language of Earth. It is an absolute state of unconditional love and beyond the capability of any being whilst incarnated, to envisage or experience this incredible level of love in its fullest capacity. After incarnating here for an extensive period it is sometimes hard to conceive of that magnitude of love. Love absolute.

Clarke releases a heavy sigh, rereading the last paragraph again. In essence, the twin flames in their human forms cannot fully experience the magnitude of their love. It's an unattainable feeling they are constantly seeking. She understands that, knowing no matter how close she is to Lexa, it never feels close enough. She can be pressed tightly against her, soaking her in, sharing her breath and still have a longing in her chest. She whimpers, biting her lip.

Lexa, seated on her throne with Clarke between her legs while she braids Clarke's hair, stills at the whimper. Leaning forward she gently wraps her arms over the blonde's shoulders, nuzzles her cheek and places a tender kiss to her neck. "What is it, Klark?" She whispers softly, smiling softly as the girl in her arms raises her left hand to rest on the side of her head, holding her close.

"Can I read something to you?" Clarke asks, pulling the journal up with her right hand as she feels Lexa nod against her and reads her the passage. She knows the precise moment the words hit home within her as Lexa's breath catches and she burrows her face into Clarke's neck and breathes her in.

Pulling up a few moments later, Lexa brushes her lips over her cheek before quietly asking, "Who wrote these words?"

Clarke takes a deep breath before turning slightly and standing up, closing the journal carefully. She feels Lexa watching her as she gently winds the leather cord around it and crosses over to Lexa's bed, tucking it safely under one of the pillows. "Many people wrote in it judging by the varying styles of writing, dates and experiences, but those specific words, were written by my great grandmother."

Lexa held out her hand, happy when Clarke smiles and takes it and sits herself sideways on her lap, resting her head on her shoulder. "How can you be certain?"

"Her name was on the entry, 'Kalista Griffin'. My dad never told me she had written in it, I mean, I was young when he would tell me stories but…" She trails off, her mind wandering.

"But you thought they were make believe?" Lexa asked softly, unsure of why Clarke seems so unsettled.

"No, I believed every word my father told me." She smiles at the memory of him, it is bittersweet considering she witnessed his death. "I still do."

Lexa raises her hand and lowers her palm to Clarke's chest, resting over her heart. "Then what troubles you?"

"A few things, honestly, but none that I wish to dwell on right now, not with everything to happen soon." She leans forward and gently claims Lexa's lips with her own, her stomach clenching tightly at the soft whimper she pulls from her brunette love. Smiling as she pulls back, she assures Lexa that she isn't keeping her in the dark. "I want to read more and discuss it with you after the dust settles in the next few days. Would that be okay?"

Lexa returns her smile and presses a kiss to her temple, "Yes." She replies simply. "I trust you, Klark."

Clarke takes a deep breath, releasing it slowly. "I hope that is true," she says, "because I have a request before we begin this evening."

Lexa nods, waiting to hear what Clarke will require, "If it is within my power, it is yours."

"Rather than a funeral pyre, I want to send Malik out to sea afterwards for the burning. Who is your best archer?"

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