Chapter Twenty-Two

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The Ark – Shall set her free



"What are they saying?"

Monroe turns hearing his voice, shrugging. "Sky, but I don't know about the rest."

They watch as the glow slowly recedes before disappearing completely and listen as the chanting follows suit. Monroe eyes the boy, "What do you think it means?"

Monty shrugs, a bewildered look gracing his features. "I don't know, but whatever it means, it must be important to them. Wanna go see what we can find out?" His voice gives away his excitement.

Even as she's nodding Bellamy approaches shaking his head, "Not gonna happen." They frown at him and he smiles lightly, "We'll find out when they're ready to tell us, but right now we have to sit tight."

Monty considers him, "You know what that light was, don't you?" Monroe's eyes widen.

Bellamy is still shaking his head, "No, but I have a pretty good idea where it's coming from, but unless you want a pissed off princess and an even more pissed off commander, I suggest we get back to work and wait for the news to come to us."

They both display frowns and nod, but Bellamy can hear them making bets as they walk away. He shakes his head and smiles as he heads over to relieve one of the guards on their watch.



Lexa can feel the swirl of heat and energy crackling around them but can only focus on Clarke's shining eyes that are staring back into her own. She's beginning to feel a lightheadedness creep up but breathes deeply, focusing on Clarke and keeps it at bay. She smiles softly at the wonder clearly taking over Clarke's features as her eyes glance from side to side, seeing the glow that they are creating together. She heard the gasps in the room moments before but didn't dare look away as the heat began to intensify, but now seems to be waning. With another moment of awe on both their faces, it finally recedes until it is no more but a tingle beneath their hands.

Lexa sighs as she feels her body sag into Clarke's. She still feels energy vibrating through her body but the underlying exhaustion is there. If she were back in her tent, she would pull Clarke to her and sleep the rest of the evening and night away with Clarke snugly in her arms. They aren't in her tent however and that thought causes her body to tense and the hairs on the back of her neck to rise.

She looks down as she feels Clarke pulling at her and moves around to her side to assist her in sitting up on the table, and then to her feet. They are standing face to face, a breath apart with their arms gently holding onto one another. It's only a clearing of a throat that breaks them out of their haze and Lexa's eyes harden as she watches Abby approach them.

"Clarke..." Abby begins but halts her movement when the blonde turns around quickly, eyes hard and colder than she's ever seen them.

"Stop, don't...don't come any closer to us." Clarke is still gathering her thoughts and right now her mind is a whirlwind and she knows she's not in control of her emotions. She feels all encompassing love from Lexa, but that's not all she's feeling. She's also experiencing emotions of terror, pain, longing, desperation...she can't possibly put all of it into words. She's angry, that much is expected, but the rage she's feeling, she doesn't believe is her own.

She turns her body back to Lexa, the brunette still tense and eyes never leaving her mother's. "Leksa," she whispers and smiles as Lexa breaks her stare and her eyes meet Clarkes instantly. She doesn't say anything further, just simply slides her left hand up Lexa's arm, over her shoulder and then cups her neck and feels some of the rage within her ease as Lexa's relaxes into her touch. "I'm safe."

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