Chapter Nineteen

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Panic! At the village



Echo turns as she hears Clarke scream, watching her fall to the ground. Lexa drops to her knees beside her, holding her head in both hands while she calls her name frantically. Clarke doesn't respond, only cries out in agonizing pain before her form slumps forward into Lexa's waiting arms and stills.

Echo's eyes go wide in fear, running quickly to her commander's side. "Heda, what's happening?"

Lexa doesn't respond, she simply yells out commands, relinquishing her hold on Clarke as Lincoln scoops her up and quickly rushes her back to camp with the rest of them following closely.

"Leksa," Echo whispers, her hand on Lexa's elbow drawing her attention.

Lexa shakes her head, watching as Lincoln gently rests Clarke once again on the healers table, face down and gets to work removing her shirt so that he can tend to the bleeding wounds. She's relieved when Nyko enters and immediately begins to help Lincoln, using cloths to slow the bleeding on her sides, Octavia holding some to Clarke's arms that rest above her head. "Sou nou teik em wan op!" Don't let her die she growls out, eyes wide and chest breathing heavily.

Echo stays at her side, feeling the anxiety rolling off her commander in waves. She turns to Indra, who catches her eyes, "We need to address the people. They will be confused and not understand what is happening."

This catches Lexa's attention long enough for her to nod to Indra, "Beja, Indra."

"Yes Heda," Indra replies, turning to do just that. She hesitates and turns back to Echo, "Help her."

Echo nods, assuring the woman and watches as she makes her way back outside. She takes in the scene before her with pain in her heart. Clarke is whimpering again, but not fully conscious. Blood soaked cloths litter the table and floor below her as Lincoln and Nyko's swift and caring hands stitch and bind her wounds while Octavia holds the cloths to her left arm. Lexa is at the head of the table now, sitting with one hand clasping Clarke's with her head resting upon it and the other holding pressure with a cloth to the other arm. She is still other than the shuddering breaths she releases.

Approaching her commander, she can't stop herself from placing her hand on the back of her head in a show of comfort. Lexa tenses briefly before her shoulders sag and her grip on Clarke's hand visibly tightens as the air around them grows thick, the torches in the room growing hotter, providing more light to the room.

"Linkon," Nyko breathes out, raising his hands from where he was stitching a cut on Clarke's left side. Lincoln too has stilled, his movements halt and his eyes wide as he glances up to his friend.

"What, why are you stopping?" Octavia demands, looking between the two.

Lexa's head shoots up, as does her body looking at the two men. Before she can utter a word, her eyes focus in the same spots theirs are. Cuts that were open and bleeding freely were now a dark pink but closed, without the assistance of a healer's stitches. The stitches they had already applied to other cuts, looking as if they were not required. Seeing this, Lexa removes one of the cloths on Clarke's arm, hearing Octavia's gasp as she does the same. While they looked angry and painful, the cuts were closed, looking like normal healing wounds.

"Heda," Lincoln began, his voice soft, "Naikou and I were both amazed with the rate at which Klark seemed to be healing..." he hesitates, unsure of how to continue and looking towards his friend for assistance.

"Heda, these wounds look now, how they should have at this point days into the healing process, yet they were fresh yet again only moments ago." Nyko didn't ask any questions of her, the questions were clear enough in all of their eyes.

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