The Writen Exams

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Chirikos P.O.V
   I woke up a bit earlier than the others, as I got dressed I touch a tender part on my side, I remember what happened that night when I got whipped by my own mother, I squeezed my side at the memory till I heard a knock on my door, " Chiriko, it's time to get up" Kankuro said.
" Okay I'll be out in a sec."
I quickly put my shirt on and went in the main room where everyone was eating I sat down and enjoyed my breakfast. There was this awkward silence as we ate. As we got ready to leave Baki pulled me aside, " Chiriko keep an eye on your competitors"
" Yes sir" I responded
I turned and left with the others, as we walked I thought about the bruse on my side. And I flow of memories flashed through my mind.

I was walking home, and I was getting hateful glares from my clan, I don't know why the looked at me like that. I reached the door to my house and I heard people talking about, about me.
" Why does she have to be a part of our clan she is going to be the reason we all die"
" Even if we do banish her she will still kill us it is the legend and we can not change that"
" Well we have to punish her if she gets out of hand of corse"
Why would they want to punish me I have done nothing, and what legend. Why would I hurt my loved ones.
As I finished my thoughts the door opened and I fell into the house.
" Well, well, well don't we have a snooper" it was my mom she had a whip at hand, at she unleashed her fury out on my body, with a leather string.
***********END OF FLASHBACK************
" Chiriko, we're here" Garra said in his usual voice. I looked up and we were at the doors of the academy. We walked up a flight of stairs I noticed tons of chakra some belonged to people but most of it belonged to a jutsu a genjutsu. " Keep on walking it is just a genjustu" I said to the others.
" Thanks" All of them said in unison
We continued to walk up the flight of stairs till we reached the room 301, were Baki waiting all he said was make smart moves and don't trust anyone. We walked in and took our seats, we sat there quietly till we heard an annoying voice. All of us just sat there as they talked and talked and talked.
I smirked at the kids courage " Chiriko knock it off" Garra said. My face went into a frown and continued watching the show in front of me, all of the sudden a sound ninja attacked the grey haired ninja named Kabuto. " It appeared he has doged the attack" said Konkuro, right after he said that he glasses shattered Konkuro was about to join in until Garra stoped him " Make smart choices Konkuro" Temari said, " Chiriko can you explain what happened with that attack" she continued. " It's the thing on his arm, he infused with his chakra-"
" But chakra can miss the target" Konkuro interrupted
" Good job smart one it can, but scene he is a sound ninja he can minipulate sound, that thing on his arm hake extremely high frequencies which can't miss as long as your in range."
" That explains a lot, what's the range of it" Garra said.
" Close, and middle range"
" good thing all of us have at least one weapon that's long distance" Temari said in a snarky voice.
" Okay brats quite down" A voice yelled, " And you sound ninja, you don't want to be disqualified before we even start do ya"
The sound ninja went to their testing spot and so did I. We got handed the test, and got the lecture about not cheating which was odd if we got caught cheating we should leave the room right then and there but it was only a point deduction. ' I get it we have to cheat but we can't get caught, so this is a test to see how we can get information without blowing our cover.'
I looked around the room and saw a higher chakra signature, a chunin I tried to see what he has writing down and copied it the best that I could. As I finished writing the answer to question 3 a kuni flew right by my head and landed on the table right behind me.
Ibikis P.O.V
A kuni flew right by that girls head and she didn't even flinch!
Chirikos P.O.V
"Canidate 35, 21, and 14 your done get out"
The chunin kept writing down answered and so did I. I geared Knokuro asks if he could use the restroom, he is going to help Temari. I finished the 9th question, and looked around the room to see a few were still left but not as much as before.
Konkuro came out of the rest room just in time, as Ibiki was about to say the 10th question.
" Okay you have options for the tenth question you can skip it but if you do you will leave, or you can answer the question and if you get it wrong you will not be able to take the exam again." He said in a devious voice.
After that people started raising their hand and their teams left, I felt someone trembling it was Naruto, he was raising his hand I looked away then looked straight back when I heard a slam on a table.
He sat back down with a pout on his face, everyone looked around and and got some backbone, I smiled at the back of Naruto head knowing he would not turn around.
" Is that it no one else" Ibiki said, " you pass"
" Wait what"
" You thought about the mission and your teammates, you knew the consequences but you took the risk that's what I like."
At that moment the window shattered and a banner went up. " Well hello maggots sense you pass you will go on to the second exam, I'm Anko your next Procter."
" Your early Anko" Ibiki said annoyed
" oops"

Hey sorry, for the late update I have no excuse what so ever, Anyway I hoped you liked comment your thoughts, and thank you for Favoriting it really means a lot, so yeah that's all.

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