Dont Touch Her

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" Why is she so loud it annoys me"

" Kankuro don't act like your the quietest person on Earth, your just as annoying as she is"

" Chiriko, my heart it hur-"


" Oh, hey boss we are here to do interviews for the academy paper"

Anko walked over to the group of kids and yelled at them for holding up the exam but we all know she is forgetful, apparently the Hokage told her about the interviews and let us have a 15 minute break.

" Do you think that there going to interview is?" Temari asked

" Well with Konkuro scaring those kids I highly doubt it"

There was a big commotion of leaf ninja getting in line for the interview, " I don't understand leaf ninja, all of them seems so.... happy" Garra said in annoyed voice like usual.

" Well what do you expect, happiness is a feeling that everyone has" Chiriko said as Garra shot her a glare.


" Chiriko, hold my arm I'll guide you, to the tent were we need to go" Kankuro said

" Why, I can get there my self"

" I know but the others don't know that" after he said that I realized what he was doing and grabbed his arm, even though Chiriko is bling she could feel like their stares and smirks, she could feel the target on her back starting to form. When they reached the tent, they asked for our forms, the leaf ninja gave Kankuro the heaven scroll, and the sand ninja left the tent.

Kankuro's P.O.V

We were walking to our gate for the second test and I noticed that Chiriko was still holding on to my arm, I looked down at her and all I could do was smile. When we got to our gate I tapped her hand so she knows that she could let go, I didn't want her to but it was almost time to start. " Now that we have that target on your back Chiriko people will come to us instead of us going to them" Temari said, when she said that Chirko let go of my arm and didn't say anything.

There was a leaf ninja by the gate with an ear piece in waiting for the signal to open it.

Chiriko's P.O.V

There was a silence in the air as we wait for the gates to open every second it got even more tense, I felt a tap on my shoulder telling me to get ready, I heard a loud creak of the gate unlocking, and then I headed the gate keeper yell go and then we were off.

We stopped when we were well into the forests, we stopped to talk about our plan when we heard a branch snap, I pulled out a kuni and got in a defensive stance.

" Oh little princess, no need to be defensive we are just hear to get your scroll" a deep mans voice said

i heard the wind cutting which meant he had a weapon which he was swinging around like a toy. Now that made me mad but a voice in my head said stick to the plan, I acted scared and started to back away as the ninja moved towards me, I put my kuni down and ran into a tree, ' I hate acting like I'm worthless' I thought

" You shouldn't have become a ninja if your blind and if your going to cower in the corner, I'm surprised that your team hasn't killed you, I'm surprised that your parents haven't killed you"

At this moment I couldn't stick to the plan I launched forward with my kuni, and was on full atack mode. I went to his left and swung my kuni at his neck he blocked it, I noticed that he had two hand on his weapon and his hands were high so I went low I hit the back of his legs with mine, he landed on his back and I took my chance and pinned him down. I was filled with anger at this point my eyes started burning and I was done with this fight I took my kuni and went for the throat, but before I got there I was pinned to the tree with a hand on my throat. At this moment blood was trickling from my eyes and I was getting light headed. I felt his body get dragged away from mei fell to the ground and heard a deep deadly voice saying " Don't touch her"

To my surprise it wasn't Garra it was Konkuro

Konkuro's P.O.V

Garra was taking care of the main rain ninja, while Chiriko was taking care of the other one, I heard say the third ninja sprint behind us, I took a sharp turn to see Chiriko being held by her throat against a tree, in a blink of an eye I took out Crow and dragged the man away from her " Don't touch her" I said in a deadly voice instead of using Crow I wanted to kill him with my hands, I took my kuni and sliced the rain ninjas chest he fell to the ground then I threw it through the ninjas head.

Chiriko's P.O.V

I heard a blade slice through the air and a scream of In of the rain ninja I heard someone running away, I got up and sprinted in front of him I got my kuni and sliced his his stomach, I pinned him to ground my legs around his waist I leaned down and whispered in his ear " Don't underestimate me I may be blind but like everyone I have a few tricks up my sleeve" and with that my kuni pierced his heart.

I ran back to the group and there was only four of us I sighed relief spread through out my body. Then I remembered my eyes they were bleeding, I heard my name being called and a body against mine, it was Konkuro he pulled away having a strong grip on my shoulders.

Konkuro's P.O.V

I had her, I had her in my arms and she is safe, I pulled away looking at her I noticed her eyes.. her eyes were bleeding, " Come on we need to head for the downer we have the Earth scroll" Garra said, I wispered in Chiriko's ear and said" I'll fix your bandages when we are at the tower." She nodded and we went on our way.

Chiriko's P.O.V

We ran and ran with no problems surprisingly, once we got to the tower we entered a room, then I was pulled by Konkuro to change my bandages, he sat me down and started to take of my bandages, " Why did you save me" Konkuro was caught off guard by my question, " Because your my teammate" then he sighed I got really confused, then he touched my hand, my cheeks where dusted with pink and I thought ' what is he doing' he pulled me into a hug and finished with " And I will do anything to protect you"

I returned the hug and then pulled away Konkuro finished cleaning me up and helped me up, the we heard a poof, then I heard someone talking " Congratulations you passed the second exam, I'll take you to your next destination.

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