Calming Kankuro

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I ran as fast I could to the felid where Naruto and Garra were fighting. I yelled for Garra but he couldn't hear me. Naruto noticed me. "Chiriko get out of the way!"
I jump up in to the trees where I ran into Kankuro. I was about to fall out of the tree but I felt a arm around my waist.
"Don't worry I got you." Kankuro said struggling to maintain his balance. Am I really that heavy. Kankuro lifted me up pulling me close to his chest. He had a smirk on his face, but it soon turn into a frown. I guess he remembers that he is mad at me. He drags me away from the fight. "Chiriko we need to talk."
"Cant we do this some other time?"
"No, we cant." he said," They can handle it without us."
I let out a sigh, I don't know what to do with you I thought. I step closer to him as a way of asking what he wants.
"I'm...I'm sorry."
" I already forgave you" I said.
He smiles " Good." He leans in.
omg is this really happening. Is he about... is he about to KISS me? I swiftly doge the kiss giving him a tight hug. At that moment I saw Garra falling through the air heading to the ground. I release my hold on Kankuro sprinting towards Garra. I slide on my knees catching him.
"Chi....Chiriko." Garra said softly out of breath.
I couldn't help it. I place my forehead against his. telling him its alright every thing will be fine.
"Chiriko can you sing me a song?" Garra asked. he is the only one that has heard me sing. I use to sing him to sleep when we were little.
"of course Garra."

Kankuro P.O.V.
Her voice... its so beautiful. I must say it hurts to see how she interacts with my brother. She treats him with such kindness. It breaks my heart. I just want her to see me like I see her. the way I love her is so unconditional. I only see good in her no evil. The way she helps people when others aren't looking. how she talks about her home village. she loves everyone here even when she is hiding her emotions. I know she is going to stay here when this is over. I'm going to miss her with all of my fucking heart. I cant hold back my tears. they start flowing down my face. I may never see her aging. I wont be able to protect her if she stays here . I wont wake up to her beautiful face in the morning. I wont be able to eat her food. hear her snarky comments. hear her intelligent comments. I look down to he ground soon I felt the ground on my knees. I collapse under the pressure my heart is facing. I don't know why but it seems like I cant live my life without her. She just makes me so happy, she makes me feel understood, she makes me feel heard, and finally she makes me feel loved. She shows support for my accomplishments. She doesn't doubt me. I feel her love for me, but maybe I'm reading it wrong.
I love her... I love her. I can't let her go. I will try my best to protect her even from a distance. I will do my best to show my love for her. and if she doesn't except it then I will be happy when she is happy. if she finds some one else the I guess I will have to move on, but I will always be on her side.
"Kankuro" I look up I see Chiriko smiling at me.
She kneels down and I hear her beautiful voice. once again.
oon my tears stop flowing and I just stare at Chiriko. hearing her makes me calm. I understood what the song meant. I shouldn't depend on her to make me happy. I should be able to make myself happy without her help. I need to learn happiness for myself without her before I can get with her. that's my goal. the next time I see her I will ask her to be mine. I will find my happiness. and I will make it grow with her in my arms. here mouth on mine. I cant wait to see her smile again.
she leans in and gives me a tight hug. She whispers " I cant wait t see you again, but I need you to learn to love yourself first."

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